7 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2023
    1. nternational anarchy and the lack of barriers to expansion may have contributed to the relegation of Indigenous peoples outside the community of states.


    2. tion's population becomes too large for its institutions to support, it is acceptable for them to establish colonies elsewhere
    3. acial hierarchy
    4. Hobbes believed that before governments were established, people had the right to do whatever they needed to survive.This idea could be used to justify colonialism and expansion

      but isnt he saying its bad??

    5. aws of nature are consistent with Christian teachings
    6. reason and the pursuit of peace

      colonial perception of human nature based on reason and rationality.

    7. ere is constant insecurity and no room for progress or civilization

      idea of progress and civilisation is still in use today in histeographical books and promotes a colonial view of the world