7 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
    1. the right knowledge to make a full-stack app

      Worth considering Brooks's distinction of essential versus incidental complexity. It's especially worth considering the instances where the "incidental" part comes from being incidental to the fact that if it were easier, there it would make a lot of people unhappy for reasons that I call "the consultant effect".

  2. Feb 2023
    1. Another point made by Wirth is that complexity promotes customer dependence on the vendor. So there is an incentive to make things complex in order to create a dependency of the customer generating a more stable stream of income.
  3. Sep 2022
    1. let's be honest, many people who create sites for money will not necessarily coach the business to keep it simple, since they will earn less money from it
  4. May 2022
    1. the skills to tweak an app or website into what they need

      Does "what they need" here implicitly mean "a design that no one really benefits from but you can bill a client for $40+/hr for"? Because that's how Glitch comes off to me—more vocational (and even less academic) than a bootcamp without the structure.

      What was that part about home-cooked meals?

  5. Feb 2022
    1. Hammer cited a conflict between web and enterprise cultures as his reason for leaving, noting that IETF is a community that is "all about enterprise use cases" and "not capable of simple". "What is now offered is a blueprint for an authorization protocol", he noted, "that is the enterprise way", providing a "whole new frontier to sell consulting services and integration solutions"
    1. Good example of developer tunnel vision and something akin to the consultant effect or Pournelle's Iron Law—the opposite of disintermediation.

  6. Sep 2021
    1. the “Modern” Web

      A casualty of the "consultant effect": under the guise of solving (existing) problems, generating even more complexity to justify the consultant–client relationship.