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  1. Mar 2024
    1. Polyamory as a specific form of CNM began in the 1970s (Sheff Citation2012) and has grown in popularity dramatically in the last 10 years

      emerge in

    2. olyamory also differs from swinging, another form of CNM that emphasizes heterosexual couples swapping partners for sexual novelty or having group sex, usually in a semi-structured setting like a house party, sex club, cruise, or resort (Gould Citation2000). Both less structured and less heterosexual than swinging, polyamory is also not as well known among the general public.

      difference w/ swinging

    3. Polyamory is a form of CNM that emphasizes emotional intimacy among multiple partners. It differs from polygamy in several ways, most notably that polygamy is a form of marriage with multiple spouses frequently embedded within a religious community (Zeitzen Citation2008). The most common form of polygamy (both cross-culturally and historically) is polygyny in which one husband is allowed multiple wives, but wives are not allowed to have multiple husbands (Zeitzen 2008).Footnote1 In contrast, many polyamorists are neither married nor rooted in a religious structure that advocates polyamory. People of all genders are allowed multiple partners in polyamory, not only men. P

      difference with polygamy

    4. Polyamory is a form of consensual non-monogamy (CNM), a category of relationships in which the participants negotiate multiple sexual and/or romantic partners.


    1. polyamory is a favored form of CNM and is more positively evaluated by society than other forms of CNM

      polyamory actually don't equal CNM, it's a form of CNM

    2. consensual nonmonogamy (CNM). The term is used to denote relationships in which the partners consent to having sexual, romantic, or intimate relationships with more than one person

      other def of polyamory

    3. polyamory” is used to denote “the practice of, belief in, or willingness to engage in multiple romantic and/or sexual relationships with the consent of everyone involved”


    1. polyamory, which refers to an identity in which people philosophically agree with and/or practice multi-partner relationships, with the consent of everyone involved [4–7]. Although the term polyamory indicates permission to engage in sexual or romantic relationships with more than one partner, the nature of these relationships and how individuals approach them can vary from one person partnering with multiple people, to members of a couple dating a third (triad), to two couples in a relationship with each other (quad), to networks of people involved with each other in various configurations

      definition of polyamory