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  1. Sep 2024
    1. minimal weight loss associated with its use,

      The American Thyroid Association mentions otherwise, so which is it?

    2. bioavailability of the T4 and T3 components has been shown to be the same between desiccated thyroid and synthetic preparations

      same bioavailability between desiccated thyroid and synthroid

    3. desiccated thyroid is “the cleaned, dried, and powdered thyroid gland previously deprived of connective tissue and fat

      desiccated thyroid is basically the crushed up thyroid gland from an animal

    4. Three factors were likely responsible for LT4 becoming the predominant therapy in the latter half of the 20th century: first, the isolation of T4 in 1927 by Kendall (31); second, the synthesis of T4 (32) and its better-absorbed sodium salt by Chalmers et al. (33); and third, the demonstration that the biologically active T3 was generated from T4 in humans (10).

      Three factors leading to LT4 becoming the predominant choice of therapy in hypothyroidism

    1. Conversion TableDose of Thyroglobulin(grain)EquivalentsmgDose ofDesiccatedThyroid(grain)Dose of T4(levothyroxine)mgDose of T3(liothyronine)μg0.5 32 0.5 0.05 12.51 65 1 0.1 252 130 2 0.2 503 200 3 0.3 754 260 4 0.4 1005 325 5 0.5 125AVAILABILITY OF DOSAGE FORMSEach off-white to light amber-colored tablet, embossed “ECI 30”, “ECI 60” or “ECI 125” on oneside, contains: 30 mg, 60 mg or 125 mg of desiccated thyroid containing lactose, derived fromporcine thyroid glands. Nonmedicinal ingredients: cornstarch, magnesium stearate, sugar andtalc. Energy: 1.2 kJ (0.28 kcal)/30 mg tablet; 1.1 kJ (0.26 kcal)/60 mg tablet; 2.2 kJ (0.52kcal)/125 mg tablet. Gluten-, , paraben-, sulfite- and tartrazine-free. Bottles of 100 and 500tablets. Store at room temperature 15 to 30°C.

      Conversion table available in thyroid (dessicated thyroid) monograph for the commercially available products. Compounding pharmacies can prepare custom dosing for your specific needs

    1. no differences in thyroid function blood test and psychometric test results, although use of desiccated thyroid extract was associated with some weight loss

      Still, there was no difference in thyroid function blood test and psychometric test (for cognitive functioning) results

    2. The researchers report that 49% of the patients preferred desiccated thyroid extract, 19% preferred levothyroxine and 23% had no preference. Desiccated thyroid extract use was also associated with more weight loss

      Results for the study appear to show benefit for dessicated thyroid compared to synthroid, both for patient preference and for extent of weight loss

    3. some patients who continue to have symptoms of hypothyroidism when taking levothyroxine report improvement in these symptoms when switched to desiccated thyroid extract

      Some people get a better response with desiccated thyroid than with synthroid

    4. desiccated animal thyroid extract was the only treatment for hypothyroidism

      So desiccated thyroid was before synthroid