3 Matching Annotations
- Sep 2020
github.com github.com
If you can't understand where it's coming from in the stack traces, please post screenshots or create reproducing sandboxes and we'll try to help. Most of these are probably coming from a few libraries, so the most productive thing to do is to reduce these cases and then file issues with those libraries.
- Feb 2020
loadimpact.com loadimpact.com
Automation helps us keep these steps out of our way while maintaining control through fast feedback loops (context-switching is our enemy).
As developers we love our own local setup. We spend a lot of time and effort on making sure our favorite code editor and command line shell is as we want it to be, everything else is subpar, a hindrance to our productivity. The local environment is king. It’s where we should be coding our load test scripts and from where we should initiate our load tests.