11 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2024
    1. When designing a discussion board activity, it isimportant to remember that discussions are not exams andthe correctness of each person’s response is not the point.The point of discussion should be conversation, analysis,debate, illustration, application, synthesis, and reflection.

      Point of a discussion board - not exam or even correct answer but conversation analysis debate illustration application synthesis reflection

    2. One of the most promising tools foractive learning in the asynchronous online course is thediscussion board. A well-designed and well-facilitateddiscussion board can be a rich space for active learning

      Possibilities of discussion boards

    3. Collison, Elbaum, Haavind, and Tinker (2000) notethat discussion boards, in particular, can “extend reflectiontime” and offer the “opportunity to compose thoughtful,probing contributions” (p. 2)

      discussion boards extend reflection time - we need to let students know the value of the reflection part of discussion boards to learning.

    1. sk students to complete an assignment in advance that helps them understand and articulate their own views, as well as others they have heard. Such pre-discussion homework can help them reflect on those views, understand potential reasons behind them, and connect them to disciplinary content in the course. Such activities let them do some more logical thinking in advance, before any emotional barriers get thrown up during a heated discussion.

      This seems to be what QM does on a regular basis

  2. inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
    1. Earning Participation Points for Weekly DiscussionsOnline discussions can be one of the richest elements of your online experience.Electronic discussions offer a unique opportunity to be “heard.” You don’t needto raise your hand and wait to be called on. You can think carefully about whatyou want to say and look it over before you post it. You can consider thecontributions of your peers more thoughtfully and go back to comments againwhen a second reading offers clarification and a deeper understanding.I value your contributions to our discussions. You have a great deal to offer andto learn from one another. You may surprise yourself with your insights,creativity and wisdom about teaching and learning through these discussions.However, one of the more difficult aspects of these discussions for me isevaluating your participation. So I’m going to give you that responsibility.Here’s how it works

      discussion instructions from an instructor

    2. You can emphasize the importance of discussion board contributions byspotlighting the content of the board in an assignment. Have students draw from the discussion board as a pool ofreferences for an assignment – one that enforces skills for summary, synthesis, and analysis for instance –incorporating (and citing!) their peers’ comments

      explain purpose and make students reuse what they learn - excellent idea

    3. aculty members find that it is worthwhile taking some time to teachthe students how to listen to others, how to paraphrase, how to involveother members of the group. Students need to understand that they sharethe responsibility for making the discussion a worthwhile experience. This isa new idea for most of them

      this is especially important as society seeks to be heard more than listen

    4. Ask morequestions than you give answers, and put the bulk of your energy into drawing out the quiet students and encouragingmore of the kind of participation you want to see.

      success tip - ask questions, ensure everyone is contributing quality

    5. Structure discussions in advance, and connect the discussions to your courseobjectives. Though you’ll want to leave areas of the board open forunstructured conversation, try creating sequenced threads that map to coursetopics, making it clear to students what the relationship of the discussion is tothose outcomes

      making discussion relevant to content is critical to student acceptance

    6. you can manage your workload more effectivelyby:

      workload management tips

    7. It’s important tomanage the time that you and other participants spend interacting,and to make sure that the interactions on the board are enrichingand relevant

      discussion quality