5 Matching Annotations
- Nov 2020
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
Svelte by itself is great, but doing a complete PWA (with service workers, etc) that runs and scales on multiple devices with high quality app-like UI controls quickly gets complex. Flutter just provides much better tooling for that out of the box IMO. You are not molding a website into an app, you are just building an app. If I was building a relatively simple web app that is only meant to run on the web, then I might still prefer Svelte in some cases.
- Sep 2020
Also Svelte is so great because developer do not need to worry about class names conflict, except of passing (global) classes to component (sic!).
You must: reference each element you are extending using refs or an id add code in your oncreate and ondestroy for each element you are extending, which could become quite a lot if you have a lot of elements needing extension (anchors, form inputs, etc.)
This is where hooks/behaviors are a good idea. They clean up your component code a lot. Also, it helps a ton since you don't get create/destroy events for elements that are inside {{#if}} and {{#each}}. That could become very burdensome to try and add/remove functionality with elements as they are added/removed within a component.
- could be easier / more difficult than it needs to be
- framework taking care of responsibility so users can leverage it and not have to worry about that responsibility themselves
- difficult/hard
- too hard/difficult/much work to expect end-developers to write from scratch (need library to do it for them)
- scalability
- why this feature is needed
But some sort of official way to do that in the language would make this nicer - and would mean I would have to worry less about destroying components when their parent is destroyed, which I'm certainly not being vigilant about in my code.