- May 2022
wordpress.com wordpress.com
"I didn't fully understand it at the time, but throughout my time as a freshman at Boston College I've realized that I have the power to alter myself for the better and broaden my perspective on life. For most of my high school experience, I was holding to antiquated thoughts that had an impact on the majority of my daily interactions. Throughout my life, growing up as a single child has affected the way am in social interactions. This was evident in high school class discussions, as I did not yet have the confidence to be talkative and participate even up until the spring term of my senior year."
- In this annotation, I choose to expand on my introduction. Before I explain why I chose the words I did, I should mention that my first draft failed to meet one of the assignment's primary requirements: a "Story like" structure. Finally, I decided to rework my introduction because my first draft did not begin with a clear beginning. Instead, I started by describing the fundamental context of the encounter before detailing my previous experiences. To improve my final edit, I made sure I described my experiences and/or how I felt before they occurred.
- Introduction p.1
- (Major Essay) Introduction paragraph
- Jun 2021
ruanmartinelli.com ruanmartinelli.com
But if you're working on a bigger project, with multiple packages and a complex dependency tree, you might want to combine npm with a tool like Lerna.
www.mutuallyhuman.com www.mutuallyhuman.com
This is why for a recent Angular+Rails project we chose to use a testing stack from the backend technology’s ecosystem for e2e testing.
We used testing tools that were in the same ecosystem as our backend technology stack for primrily three reasons: We owned both ends of the stack Team experience Interacting with the database
We chose to define the frontend in one technology stack (Angular+TypeScript/JavaScript) and the backend in another (Ruby+Ruby on Rails), but both came together to fulfill a singular product vision.
- distributed (client/server) system
- rationale
- determining if something is an appropriate application / best tool for the job
- answer the "why?"
- software stack: choosing
- frontend vs. backend: owning both ends
- how to choose software stack
- end-to-end testing
- how to choose a dependency/library/framework
- testing: stack
- testing: stack: choosing
- key point
- explaining why
- using disparate technologies in a single project
- testing: end-to-end
- Feb 2021
github.com github.com
While Trailblazer offers you abstraction layers for all aspects of Ruby On Rails, it does not missionize you. Wherever you want, you may fall back to the "Rails Way" with fat models, monolithic controllers, global helpers, etc. This is not a bad thing, but allows you to step-wise introduce Trailblazer's encapsulation in your app without having to rewrite it.
- rails: the Rails way
- focus on concepts/design/structure instead of specific/concrete technology/implementation
- freedom of user to override specific decision of an authority/vendor (software)
- making changes / switching/migrating gradually/incrementally/step-wise/iteratively
- Trailblazer
- leaving the details of implementation/integration up to you
- focus on what it should do, not on how it should do it (implementation details; software design)
- newer/better ways of doing things
- abstractions
- allowing developer/user to pick and choose which pieces to use (allowing use with competing libraries; not being too opinionated; not forcing recommended way on you)
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
the most productive environment possible for people that use their computer to create.What is a productive environment?How do you measure productivity in an operating system environment?How do you compare YOUR distribution to other distributions when it comes to productivity?Is the way in which 'people that use their computer to create' (creators) the same across all professions and activities?Does a photographer have the same requirements for a productive environment as a software engineer?Why do you think your distribution will be the best for delivering a productive environment than any other Linux distribution?
- Aug 2020
pragmaticpineapple.com pragmaticpineapple.com
Knowing all this, what would you do? Which path would you choose and why? The answer might seem obvious now that you come from the future - React
- Apr 2019
Worldwide gaming industry is worth billions and with such high figures at stake gamers never compromise on the hardware used for their professional gaming matches. The world is also recognizing gaming as a full-time employment and earning opportunity rather than the just a free time hobby. Now let’s come to facts. Things might look simple but it’s easier said than done. Professional gamers invest a lot on their hardware and equipment to reach at the top. If you are one of those who is inspired to be follow their steps or stepping into this industry, then this is a must-read article for you. In this article we will be covering How to Choose the right Gaming Monitor for your PC, undoubtedly the most important investment a gamer needs to make. Selecting a Gaming Monitor– Physical Design, Shape & Size: While finalizing the design first take into account the space available at your desk for the same. You would never want a misfit, specially when it comes to a gaming monitor. Idle size would be 24”. After the size comes the shape of the design and shape. Flat screen monitors are slowly giving way to curved screen ones with better view and immersive experience. Remember your size shape and design of your monitor would have a great impact on your gaming experience. Huntkey a leading online electrical and electronics store based in USA has a collection of gaming monitors for all level of gamers depending upon the requirement, budget, size etc. Selecting a Gaming Monitor- Specifications: 3 specifications should always be taken care of while buying any sort of visual monitor for an immersive experience, native resolutions, response rate & viewing angle. Higher resolutions ensure more information is packed into your monitor. Here the recommended resolutions size is of 1920X1080. A gamer always requires detailed information for successfully completing the missions. This where higher pixels or resolution play a key role. Let’s take an example for a real war mission. You blink and you die. The same also goes for a gamer involved in this genre of gaming where even a delay of certain milliseconds can end the entire mission for you. Professional gamers probably would end up losing millions of dollars where the response rate of the monitor is not optimal. Even though there is no well-defined response rate but anything that ensures you take the headshot every time, probably a response rate between 2-5 milliseconds would be helpful. This feature is most importantly relevant for television viewing or for motion graphics/movie viewing. Viewing angle is the angle from which if viewed, the quality of graphics appearing in te video doesn’t degrade. In most cases unless the display is curved or of high specs, moving away from the center of the display downgrades the viewing experience. For online purchase of gaming monitors visit HuntKey.com.
Worldwide gaming industry is worth billions and with such high figures at stake gamers never compromise on the hardware used for their professional gaming matches. The world is also recognizing gaming as a full-time employment and earning opportunity rather than the just a free time hobby.