11 Matching Annotations
- Sep 2021
99u.adobe.com 99u.adobe.com
5. Observability
4. Trialability
3. Complexity (or simplicity)
2. Compatibility
1. Relative Advantage
- Feb 2021
www.erudit.org www.erudit.org
utilisés en fonction des fondements qui animent les tenants d'une pédagogie ouverte
- Nov 2017
www.educause.edu www.educause.edu
"potentiality" (to graft a concept by Anton Chekov from a literary to a technical context). This is the idea that within the use of every technical tool there is more than just the consciousness of that tool, there is also the possibility to spark something beyond those predefined use
- Jul 2016
medium.com medium.com
The quotes are important. There are different approaches to innovation. The one described here may be pushed by politicians and administrators, but some would argue that it’s not innovation in the same sense as what either Eric Von Hippel or Michael Schragge might describe.
- Jun 2016
musicfordeckchairs.com musicfordeckchairs.com
Innovation isn’t always about technology, efficiency, speed, scale
According to scholars like MIT’s Eric Von Hippel and Michael Schrage, innovation is about usage. Otherwise, it’s just novelty. But the innovation discourse often repurposes the term to be about R&D.
- Nov 2015
example.com example.com
it’s also something of a hack
- Oct 2015
example.com example.com
a web-wide ‘Like’ feature could just be implemented as a special kind of annotation
Unlike some other approaches to development, this acknowledgment that usage can push innovation could help expand Hypothesis beyond a core base of “annotation geeks”. Document-level annotations can serve to classify or evaluate, like social bookmarking. What’s wrong with that?