- Jan 2022
www.geeksforgeeks.org www.geeksforgeeks.org
enum can contain both concrete methods and abstract methods. If an enum class has an abstract method, then each instance of the enum class must implement it
Yet to explore abstract methods for java enums
We can’t create enum objects explicitly and hence we can’t invoke enum constructor directly.
Color c1 = Color.RED;
Color is the enum and "RED" is internally a class object of class "Color".
In which language though, can invoke the constructor directly? I guess by using the parameterized constructors, one can invoke other constructors easily.
Since it is static, we can access it by using the enum Name. Since it is final, we can’t create child enums.
enum in java is implemented as a class. The static and final keywords have their meanings.
An enum cannot explicitly inherit a class not can it create child enums.
enum can implement many interfaces
Have to learn about Interfaces.
All enums implicitly extend java.lang.Enum class. As a class can only extend one parent in Java, so an enum cannot extend anything else.
In Java, a class can extend only one parent class. Also, an enum implicitly extends the java.lang.Enum class. Therefore, an enum cannot extend anything else.
In Java, we can also add variables, methods and constructors to it
java enums allow one to add variables, methods and constructors. Java enums are apparently more powerful than C++ enums
enum type can be passed as an argument to switch statement.
An enum object can be created and the object can be passed as an argument.
- Jun 2021
docs.oracle.com docs.oracle.com
It is a compile-time error if an enum declaration has the modifier abstract orfinal.
enum is implicitly static and final, no reason to have modifiers final and abstract.
- Mar 2018
www.infoworld.com www.infoworld.com
type-safe enum pattern
a.k.a. Strongly typed enum pattern