6 Matching Annotations
- Sep 2023
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
This allows the system designer to permit trusted programs to be run which a user would otherwise not be allowed to execute.
- Mar 2022
Why does this even exist ? So you can seperate the data and structure migrations in different folders
- Jul 2021
github.com github.com
There is currently no standard for transporting instances of JSON text within a stream protocol
- Feb 2021
github.com github.com
I don't think seeing it in Rails PRs naturally means we should do it blankly. Put it another way, what's the justification in those PRs for doing it?
- understand both sides of an issue
- doing something without knowing why/how it works
- rationale
- investing time to really understand something
- fallacy: doing something because it's popular / everyone is doing it
- understand the trade-offs
- understand the ramifications/effects/consequences
- justification for existence
- why?
- Oct 2020
It could be nothing more than my mind coming up with ways to justify the absence of variable declarations, because the thought of implementing them scares me.
It's sort of unfortunate that the justification for existence comes from pointing at gaps.