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- Last 7 days
ruben.verborgh.org ruben.verborgh.org
Freedom of course always comes at a cost: what constitutes a victory for personal rights and freedom of speech also facilitates the spread of illegal messages, since decentralized networks make it harder to control what information is exchanged. Legality is of course a tricky matter, as some countries instate laws that prevent their citizens from voicing opinions that would be legal elsewhere.
- Jun 2020
www.forbes.com www.forbes.com
Such is the security of this architecture, that it has prompted law enforcement agencies around the world to complain that they now cannot access a user’s messages, even with a warrant. There is no backdoor—the only option is to compromise one of the endpoints and access messages in their decrypted state.
www.forbes.com www.forbes.com
As EFF has warned, “undermining free speech and privacy is not the way to protect children.”
“not only jeopardizes privacy and threatens the right to free expression, but also fails to effectively protect children from online exploitation.”