21 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2024
  2. Jan 2023
  3. Aug 2022
    1. I intend to keep it around and maybe fix up minor things here and there if needed, but don't really have any plans for new features at this point. I think it's great to give people the option to choose the Go port if the advanced features is what they're after.
  4. Mar 2021
    1. With all this “monetization” happening around Trailblazer, we will also make sure that all free and paid parts of the project grow adult and maintan an LTS - or long-term support - status. Those are good news to all you users out there having been scared to use gems of this project, not knowing whether or not they’re being maintained, breaking code in the future or making your developers addicted to and then cutting off the supply chain. Trailblazer 2.1 onwards is LTS, and the last 1 ½ years of collaboration have proven that.
  5. Feb 2021
  6. Jan 2021
    1. Unfortunately, this probably means a death knoll for this gem, at least I predict it will contribute to its slow trajectory towards insignificance/unknownness/lack-of-users.

      Why? Because it is already the less popular option in this comparison: https://ruby.libhunt.com/compare-premailer-rails-vs-roadie-rails

      and being actively maintained is an important factor in evaluating competing options.

      So of course people will see that the premailer option is the option that is still actively maintained, is still continuing to be improved, and they'll see that this one has been relegated to dormancy/stagnancy/neglect/staleness, which will only amplify the degree/sense of abandonment it already has from its maintainer (only now it will be its users that start to abandon it, as I now have).

    2. This gem is now entering passive maintenance mode; I will not be actively maintaining it anymore.
    3. Maintaining open source software requires energy and a "want"/"passion". I've not been using this project myself for years, and I mainly work in other things than Rails at this point. That means I'm far removed from this project and see no personal gain in maintaining the energy to keep this going.
    4. I'm still pretty proud of the project and I don't want to see it gone, so I want to keep updating it when needed. But on the other hand, the feature set is pretty stable and well working now (AFAIK) so I also don't see the need to pretend to be actively maintaining it.
    5. Please: Prompt me when things break and I will probably fix it. I won't guarantee how fast I'll move, but I'll try to make the effort sometimes. The bigger the issue, the more likely it is that I'll do something about it.
  7. Dec 2020
    1. Material Design Lite is now in limited support, with development having moved to the Material Components for the web repository. No further development is taking place in MDL by the core team, but we are happy to review PRs, fix critical bugs and push out new releases. No breaking changes will be accepted.
  8. Nov 2020
    1. I'm still deeply working on it every day, i'm around 1/2 month away for a first preview release.
    2. @monkeythedev I am curious how do you "organize" your work - You forked https://github.com/hperrin/svelte-material-ui and https://github.com/hperrin/svelte-material-ui is not very active. Do you plan an independent project ? I hope the original author would return at some times, if not, i'll see
    3. Maybe @hperrin would be able to make an appearance and select a few additional maintainers to help out.
  9. Sep 2020
    1. Maintenance Status Active: Formidable is actively working on this project, and we expect to continue work on this project for the foreseeable future.
  10. Jul 2020
  11. Feb 2020
    1. This project is looking for maintainers, see this issue.

      <g-emoji class="g-emoji" alias="warning" fallback-src="https://github.githubassets.com/images/icons/emoji/unicode/26a0.png">warning</g-emoji>This project is looking for maintainers, see this issue.

  12. Jan 2020