3 Matching Annotations
- Jan 2023
blog.bracha.org blog.bracha.org
run on a wide variety of hardware - desktops, laptops, tablets, phones, watches
Curious if he means can run on different devices or an installation spans multiple devices. I'm interested in considering the operating system as a control plane for many devices. Additionally multi-user support for sharing hardware.
- Aug 2022
usermodifiable.software usermodifiable.software
At 3 am he realized he needed to change the process scheduler. He read enough code to find the right method, changed it, and continued with his project
How do we enable this while preventing people from accidentally nuking their systems?
share.unison-lang.org share.unison-lang.org
when you start with something simple but special purpose, it inevitably accretes features that attempt to increase its generality, as users run into its limitations. But the result of this evolutionary process is usually a complicated mess compared to what could be achieved by designing for generality up-front, in a more holistic way.
I think this is true, but it's often difficult to design generality upfront. A nice approach is making sure that you are able to back into it and modify after the fact.
We should be trying to make our technologies have more "two-door" decisions.