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so, normally 315 of Reunification Treaty prevents acts commited on East German soil prior to reunification from being punished, if they were not punishable under East German Law (kinda like our warunek podwójnej karalaności)
BUT, here: - immunity does not apply where there was already West German Law (west german law applied to crimes on foreign soil if): 1. the acts are commited against German 2. the person that committed them becomes a resident of WG or comes to WG
prof. Samson argues that EG became part of WG, so their law is applicable 7(2) (similarly, the people who were shot, were Germans, so 7(1))
BUT it's a stretch, because EGs were considered foreigners by WG
- Sep 2021
learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet02-xythos.content.blackboardcdn.com learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet02-xythos.content.blackboardcdn.com
The world opened up, and it was with great joy that I responded, "I know the thing what you speak exact now.Talk me more, plus, please, plus."
i think he realizes that to speak a language doesnt only mean you have to know basic words. you have to undersatnd the flow of it the reasoning behind it. just becasue it sounds insulting doesnt mean that it is.
You exhaust me with your foolishness and reward my efforts with nothing but pain, do you understand me?"
does she mean im sick of you not understanding what i mean but understand what i say ?
Over time, it became impossible to believe that any of us would ever improve. Fall arrived, and it rained everyday. It was mid-October when the teacher singled me out, saying, "Every day spent with you is like having acesarean section." And it struck me that, for the rst time since arriving in France, I could understand every wordthat someone was saying
he is starting to realize maybe her words that are insulting dont mean what they sound like. in order to speak a language you have to know not everything means what is sounds like .
My only comfort was the knowledge that I was not alone. Huddled in the smoky hallways and making the mostof our pathetic French, my fellow students and I engaged in the sort of conversation commonly overheard inrefugee camps
atleast he isnt alone . seems like there is noone competing against eachother the teacher basically has it out for everyone
Refusing to stand convicted on the teacher's charges of laziness, I'd spend four hours a night on my homework,working even longer whenever we were assigned an essay. I suppose I could have gotten by with less, but I wasdetermined to create some sort of an identity for myself. We'd have one of those "complete the sentence"exercises, and I'd fool with the thing for hours, invariably settling on something like, "A quick run around thelake? I'd love to. Just give me a minute to strap on my wooden leg." The teacher, through word and action,conveyed the message that, if this was my idea of an identity, she wanted nothing to do with it.
trying really hard to make himself stand out. spending alot of time on his work maybe going above and beyond. its all for nothing though teacher doesn't seem amused