4 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2023
  2. Oct 2023
    1. as the ecosystem around it swirled, the web platform itself remained remarkably stable
    2. There’s a cost to using dependencies. New versions are released, APIs change, and it takes time and effort to make sure your own code remains compatible with them. And the cost accumulates over time. It would be one thing if I planned to continually work on this code; it’s usually simple enough to migrate from one version of a depenency to the next. But I’m not planning to ever really touch this code again unless I absolutely need to. And if I do ever need to touch this code, I really don’t want to go through multiple years’ worth of updates all at once.

      The corollary: you can do that (make it once and never touch it again) if you are using the "native substrate" of the WHATWG/W3C Web platform. Breaking changes in "JavaScript" or "browsers" are rarely actually that. They're project/organizational failures one layer up—someone (who doesn't control users' Web browsers and how they work) decided to stop maintaining something or published a new revision but didn't commit to doing it in a backwards compatible way (and someone decided to build upon that, anyway).

  3. May 2022
    1. I’ve been using heroku for years and while some might complain that it has stagnated and mostly stayed the same since the salesforce acquistion, I think that’s been an asset.