2 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2024
    1. 2024 General Reassessment process As required by law, Clarke County has been working on a general reassessment of real estate in the county this past year. To complete this work, the county hired Wampler-Eanes to visit each property and provide an updated value of the property and improvements. Wampler-Eanes also completed a sales ratio report based on recent real estate transactions in the county. While the final numbers are still being computed, we do expect a significant increase in values as the last reassessment was completed in 2019. A recent Washington Post article noted that nationwide, home prices have surged 54% since 2019. The new values become effective January 1, 2025.
    1. Government Treasurer $(function () { var widgetContext = "widget_3_1271_1157"; //start VISPP-4466 var useDesignThemFontSizeCss = window.visionOptions.useDesignThemFontSizeCss; var folderPath = useDesignThemFontSizeCss == true ? window.visionOptions.currentDesignFolderPath : window.visionOptions.mainFolderPath; if (!folderPath) folderPath = window.visionOptions.mainFolderPath; var resizeTimer; var resizeFaqTabs = function () { $(".faq_widget").each(function () { var tabheight = $(this).find(".faq_tab_nav").height(); $(this).find(".faqtab_section").attr("style", "min-height: " + (tabheight - 42) + "px"); }); }; var SetFontSize = function (fontsize) { $("#active_font").attr("href", folderPath + fontsize).attr("data-css", fontsize); var url = window.location.origin + visionOptions.virtualApplicationPath + "Shared/ChangeFontSizeCookie"; var cookieValue = fontsize ? fontsize : "small.css"; var cookieInt; switch(cookieValue){ case("xx-small.css"): cookieInt=1; break; case ("x-small.css"): cookieInt = 2; break; case ("small.css"): default: cookieInt = 3; break; case("medium.css"): cookieInt=4; break; case ("large.css"): cookieInt = 5; break; } $.frontendAjax({ url: url, type: 'POST', contentType: 'application/json', data: JSON.stringify({ cookieValue: cookieInt}), success: function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) { if (data && data.success) { $("#active_font").attr("href", window.visionOptions.mainFolderPath + cookieValue).attr("data-css", cookieValue); } } }); if ($(".faq_tab_nav").length > 0) { clearTimeout(resizeTimer); resizeTimer = setTimeout(function () { resizeFaqTabs(); }, 200); } }; $(".font_larger").on("click", function () { switch ($("#active_font").attr("data-css")) { case "medium.css": SetFontSize("large.css"); break; case "small.css": SetFontSize("medium.css"); break; case "x-small.css": SetFontSize("small.css"); break; case "xx-small.css": SetFontSize("x-small.css"); break; } return false; }); $(".font_smaller").on("click", function () { switch ($("#active_font").attr("data-css")) { case "large.css": SetFontSize("medium.css"); break; case "medium.css": SetFontSize("small.css"); break; case "small.css": SetFontSize("x-small.css"); break; case "x-small.css": SetFontSize("xx-small.css"); break; } return false; }); $(".text_size").on("click", function () { SetFontSize("x-small.css"); return false; }); //end VISPP-4466 $("#" + widgetContext + " #share").click(function () { if (!$("#" + widgetContext + " div#share").hasClass("click-active")) $("#" + widgetContext + " div#share").find("ul").show(); else $("#" + widgetContext + " div#share").find("ul").hide(); }); $("div").click(function () { if ($("#" + widgetContext + " div#share").hasClass("click-active")) { $("#" + widgetContext + " div#share").find("ul").hide(); } }); $(document).click(function (e) { if (!$(e.target).closest("#share").length > 0) { $("#" + widgetContext + " div#share").removeClass("click-active"); $("#" + widgetContext + " div#share").find("ul").hide(); } }); var shareContainerTimeout = null; $("#" + widgetContext + " #share").bind('mouseover', function () { //If not relate to click event if (shareContainerTimeout) { clearTimeout(shareContainerTimeout); shareContainerTimeout = null; } shareContainerTimeout = setTimeout(function () { if (!$("#" + widgetContext + " div#share").hasClass("click-active")) $("#" + widgetContext + " div#share").find("ul").show(); }, 100); }); $("#" + widgetContext + " #share").bind('mouseleave', function () { //If not relate to click event if (shareContainerTimeout) { clearTimeout(shareContainerTimeout); shareContainerTimeout = null; } shareContainerTimeout = setTimeout(function () { if (!$("#" + widgetContext + " div#share").hasClass("click-active")) $("#" + widgetContext + " div#share").find("ul").hide(); }, 200); }); $("header#" + widgetContext + " a.feedback_link").click(function () { var windowHeight = 485; if (window.innerWidth <= 648) { windowHeight = 545; } var opts = { title: "Feedback", url: "/Template/GetFeedbackPartial?feedbackUrl=https%3a%2f%2fwww.clarkecounty.gov%2fgovernment%2ftreasurer-s-office", useFrame: true, height: windowHeight, onClosed: function (result) { if (result != undefined && result.IsOk == true) { $.refreshTempMessage(result.Message); } $("header#" + widgetContext + " a.feedback_link").focus(); }, skin: 'viClientDialog feedback_lightbox', fixed: false }; $.viClientDialog(opts).open(); }); //Safari iOS: No click event $("header#" + widgetContext + " a.send_share_email").bind("click touchstart", function () { var shareEmailTitle = document.itemTitle ? 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Treasurer is an elected position. Make Clarke County tax payments online – with or without an account – at tax.clarkecounty.gov. View tax payment history, report a change of address, report new, sold, moved, and disposed of vehicles, report vehicle high mileage, and register dogs to comply with local dog licensing regulations. Online e-checks incur no processing fees, and credit card payment fees are the same online as they are for payments made at the Treasurer’s Office. The Treasurer’s Office is located in the Berryville-Clarke County Government Center (first floor) at 101 Chalmers Ct. in Berryville, Va. Hours 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday Account payments accepted until 4:15 p.m.   Sharon Keeler Treasurer (540) 955-5160 treasurer@clarkecounty.gov Ron Crouse Chief Deputy (540) 955-5160 rcrouse@clarkecounty.gov Glenda Hernandez Deputy I (540) 955-5160 ghernandez@clarkecounty.gov Julie Sweetser Deputy I (540) 955-5160 jsweetser@clarkecounty.gov Tracy Wilkerson Deputy II (540) 955-5160 twilkerson@clarkecounty.gov   Additional Information Direct questions regarding the valuation of Real or Personal property (including vehicles) to the Commissioner of Revenue. Direct questions regarding water and sewer bills to the Clarke County Sanitary Authority. View Commissioner of Revenue Forms. Important Dates Jan. 31: Dog tags due for renewal each year; tags and licenses go on sale each Nov. 1 June 5: County Real Estate and Personal Property Tax due (first half) Dec. 5: County Real Estate & Personal Property Tax due (second half)   NOTICE: The Clarke County Cigarette Tax increased on Jan. 1, 2023. Stamps are 40 cents each. Businesses that sell cigarettes should know: • Stamps can be purchased at the Clarke County Treasurer’s Office located on the first floor of the government center at 101 Chalmers Ct. in Berryville. Normal business hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. A completed Stamp Order Form and full payment is required at the time of purchase. • Stamps can also be purchased by mail. Send a completed and signed Stamp Order Form along with full payment to: Clarke County Treasurer’s Office, P.O. Box 537, Berryville VA 22611 • The completed Stamp Order Form must include your shipping information, including location and shipping account number. The Treasurer’s Office will do its best to mail stamps as quickly as possible, but the office is busier at certain times of the year than others. 2023 Stamp Order Form Non-Judicial Real Estate Sale