7 Matching Annotations
- Jan 2021
legacy.reactjs.org legacy.reactjs.org
The alternative is uncontrolled components, where form data is handled by the DOM itself.
- Oct 2020
github.com github.com
docs.google.com docs.google.com
But it’s really hard to see, because our human brains struggle to think about this Clock function as something for generating discrete snapshots of a clock, instead of representing a persistent thing that changes over time.
- Nov 2019
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
const setRefs = useRef(new Map()).current; const { children } = props; return ( <div> {React.Children.map(children, child => { return React.cloneElement(child, { // v not innerRef ref: node => { console.log('imHere'); return !node ? setRefs.delete(child.key) : setRefs.set(child.key, node)
Illustrates the importance of having unique keys when iterating over children, since that allows them to be used as unique keys in a Map.
Each time the ID changes, the EmailInput will be recreated and its state will be reset to the latest defaultEmail value. (Click here to see a demo of this pattern.) With this approach, you don’t have to add key to every input. It might make more sense to put a key on the whole form instead. Every time the key changes, all components within the form will be recreated with a freshly initialized state. In most cases, this is the best way to handle state that needs to be reset.
- Oct 2019
github.com github.com
However, if more control is needed, you can pass any of these pieces of state as a prop (as indicated above) and that state becomes controlled. As soon as this.props[statePropKey] !== undefined, internally, downshift will determine its state based on your prop's value rather than its own internal state.
refKey: if you're rendering a composite component, that component will need to accept a prop which it forwards to the root DOM element. Commonly, folks call this innerRef. So you'd call: getRootProps({refKey: 'innerRef'}) and your composite component would forward like: <div ref={props.innerRef} />