2 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2020
  2. knowyourbees-blog-blog.tumblr.com knowyourbees-blog-blog.tumblr.com
    1. HornetsHornets are biologically not bees in nature, but in the Queen Bees’ Beehive, they slightly qualify as a bee. Although hornets have the ability to be bees, they are a bit dysfunctional and a pest to the Beehive. These insects always want something from the Queen Bee. They are “horny” for her do something new and different. All bees experience this feeling once and a while, but they move on from their desires. Hornets however, will not stop buzzing about what they want. They complain too much. These are the type of bees that are easy to be stung within the Beehive. Once they are stung, they will try to sting back, but their stinger is weak because it is not nourished with appreciation of all that the Queen Bee does.

      Does this refer to horniness as in the sexual context or just really excited and pushy for Beyoncé to do something new and cool?