2 Matching Annotations
- Aug 2023
datatracker.ietf.org datatracker.ietf.org
- http:header=cache-control:proxy-revalidate
- http:header=cache-control:no-transform
- http:header=cache-control:private
- http:header=if-modified-since
- http:header=age
- http:header=if-range
- http:code=304
- http:header=expires
- http:header=cache-control:min-fresh
- http:header=pragma
- urn:ietf:rfc:9111
- http:header=if-none-match
- http:header=cache-control:s-maxage
- http:header=cache-control
- http:header=cache-control:public
- http:header=warning
- http:header=cache-control:max-stale
- http:header=cache-control:no-store
- http:header=cache-control:must-revalidate
- caching
- http:code=206
- http
- http:header=cache-control:only-if-cached
- http:header=cache-control:no-cache
- http:header=cache-control:must-understand
- http:header=if-unmodified-since
- http:header=if-match
- http:header=cache-control:max-age
- wikipedia:en=HTTP_caching
- May 2020
Using the Git SHA in your image tag makes this less necessary since each job will be unique and you shouldn't ever have a stale image. However, it's still possible to have a stale image if you re-build a given commit after a dependency has changed.