4 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2025
    1. Amazon's dense array of visual elements, text, and advertising can create cognitive overload, making it difficult for users with cognitive impairments to navigate the site effectively. Bright pink banners or light text on some backgrounds may not have enough contrast to meet the WCAG guidelines. This makes it difficult for users with poor eyesight to read clearly.

  2. Apr 2020
    1. Because users read items from left to right, the priority direction for reading items is stronger horizontally than vertically.
    2. Items in a top navigation do not have equal weight. The leftmost items carry more visual weight than other items because of its placement in the primary optical area (top left). Items in the top left area get more exposure and are often seen as more important than other items.
    3. you will have certain items with higher priority than others. Because the user’s topic of interest is more limited in this context, placing items in a top navigation allows users to find what they want faster and easier.