4 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2016
    1. the CC is divided into seven subregions which include: rostrum (CC1), genu (CC2), anterior body (CC3), midbody (CC4), posterior body (CC5), isthmus (CC6) and splenium (CC7) using anterior and posterior definitions as described in Witelson
      AnalysisMethodID: CC area
      Inputs: MRI
      Software: proc_cc
      OutputVariables: CC area, CC1 area, CC2 area, CC3 area, CC4 area, CC5 area, CC6 area, CC7 area
      MeasurementType: Regional area
      MeasurementUnits: cm2 (square centimeters)
    2. Volu-metric assessment of the CC is provided as a distinct subset of regions within this WM parcellation system.
      AnalysisMethodID: CC Volume
      Inputs: MRI
      Software: WM_Parc
      OutputVariables: CC Vol, CC1 Vol, CC2 Vol, CC3 Vol, CC4 Vol, CC5 Vol, CC6 Vol, CC7 Vol
      MeasurementType: Regional Volume
      MeasurementUnits: cc (cubic centimeters)
  2. Feb 2016
    1. using Cardviews software.

      OutcomeType: Volume AnalysisSoftware: Cardviews AnalysisSoftwareLink: http:...

    2. segmentations were performed according to the anatomic boundaries described in Filipek et al43 and Frazier et al.12

      OutcomeType: Volume Anatomic Definitions: Filipek et al43 and Frazier et al.12