- Feb 2018
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The words on this map (the Hngulstlc mode) describe what we are looking at. The shaded areas on the map visually represent locations where at least one project had taken place. Here, the color-coding (the visual mode) shows us what areas received the most assistance. The information is organized in map form (the spatial mode), which positions the color-coded points according to US counties. The visual and spatial modes work together to help us make comparisons between locations
Combining linguistics, visuals, and use of space helps us as students take advantage of the blog format by incorporating all of these forms of media in an effective way.
~ ~ ., ] .. ~ ~ -~ 1 2 1 What Are Multimodal Projects? !---------"------_______________ _.,_) ... Gestural Mode ·1 he gestural mode refers to the way movement, such as body lan-guage, can make meaning. When we interact with people in real life or watch them on-screen, we can tell a lot about how they arc feel-ing and what they arc trying to communicate. The gestural mode includes: • facial expressions • hand gestures • body language • interaction between people
This reminds me of images commonly found in articles in order to sway opinions. Using the example of the NBC article, it shows the women's protest in a very positive light and the creator of the pink pussy hat is smiling and looks very presentable in the picture used of her. Had they wanted to put blame on her, they could have used a more unflattering image. They could have also painted the women's march in a bad light had they used images where women appear aggressive and angry. For example:
This article shows Donald Trump looking angry which is most likely an attempt to paint him negatively.
In this article, Trump is seen with a thumbs up and a smile which sends an entirely different message for the tone of the piece. These affect the way people receive the story because of his facial expression and body language.
Spatial Mode The spatial mode is about physical arrangement. This can include how a brochure opens and the way it leads a reader through the text. l·or example, sec the brochure in Figure 1.11. The designer created this rnnfcrcncc program so that each {old is slightly smaller than the one below it, allowing readers to have a tab for each day o{ presentations. The spatial mode can also refer to the placement of navigation on a Web page to maximize access for users, This mode helps us to understand why physical spaces such as grocery stores or classrooms arc arranged in particular ways to encourage certain kinds of behavior (such as all chairs in a classroom facing toward the center of the room to encourage discussion and collaboration). The spatial mode includes: • ,mangement • organization • proximity between people or obiects
Because our assignments in class tend not to be in a traditional essay format, we should be aware of the arrangement of our media and text in order to keep our work organized and clear. The NBC article s written in a way that gets it's ideas across one by one. It's separated into sections with different headings. The words are double spaces at least and are written in clear, easy to read fonts. The media is used in a way that isn't distracting and is visually appealing. This is not uncommon for online articles. Their writers are typically very used to this format of writing and know how to write for a website in a clear way that targets their audience. "Buzzfeed" for example, is a very busy looking website that attracts with bright colors and uses common, up-to-date lingo or slang. This differs from the format of "Wikipedia" which serves to look more professional and organized, or a news website like "CNN" which has multiple articles like Buzzfeed, but is done so in a more professional manner, centered more on news stories and less on pop culture. These cater to their audiences and display different tones.
https://www.cnn.com/ (CNN homepage) https://www.buzzfeed.com/?utm_term=.qbbDaorDqm#.ujoW9EwWpV (buzzfeed homepage)
https://www.wikipedia.org/ (wikipedia homepage)
Aural Mode The aural mode focuses on sound. Whether we are talking about a speech, a video demonstration, sound effects on a Web site, or the audio elements of a radio program, the aural mode provides multiple ways of communicating and understanding a message, including: • music • sound effects • ambient noise/sounds • silence • tone of voice in spoken language • volume of sound • emphasis and accent
If we decide to include any kind of music or video in our primary source description posts, we can keep these in mind. Sound can be very powerful when used efficiently and we should try to figure out if any sound we use helps our message get across or if it is annoying, unnecessary, or distracting.
Visual Mode The visual mode refers to the use of images and other characteris-tics that readers see. Billboards, flyers, television, Web sites, lighted advertising displays, even grocery store shelves bombard us with visual information in an effort to attract our attention. We can u-;e this mode to communicate representations of how something look~ or how someone is feeling, to instruct, to persuade, and to entertain, among other things. ·1 he visual mode includes: • color • layout • style • size • perspective
When writing blog posts responding to the AIDS quilt panels we can think about how images can be used in an effective way and how the layout of our posts can effect the way the reader may interpret our work. The NBC article is all about interpreting a visual. Based on it's color, shape, and cultural significance and discusses why people love it or hate it. Perspective has a lot to do with this. A CIS woman and a trans woman could have different views on it. Not to say one will definitely love it or hate it, but their views could differ. Even the article itself, while trying to remain unbiased, includes quotes that could sway the reader to believe that the creator had no intention of her hats to exclude anyone. Meanwhile another article is very biased into why the pink pussy hats are problematic for feminism.
When we peer reviewed our last primary source descriptions, different people had different suggestions as to what to add or take away. We can keep this in mind when writing, that other perspectives are useful to have.
Although he likely ~ was referring to IW's commitment to helping individual citizens, his ~ choice of words-"small people" -infuriated the public because it • demeaned those impacted by the spill and implied that the disrup--I tion to their lives was not of great concern.
This youtube video is of the BP chairman saying that BP cares about the small people. Upon viewing this clip, his word choice can come off as condescending and I can see why some may be offended by it.
Similarly, this is a tweet in response to the color and shape of the pink pussy hat mentioned in the NBC article. It is once again claiming that these hats are exclusive of the trans community and of women of color. Both show how certain choices in multi-modal communication can be perceived in a way it was not intended to be perceived due to certain things like word choice.
inguistic Mode ~ The linguistic mode refers to the use of language, which usually ~ means written or spoken word~. When we think about the ways ~ the linguistic mode is used to make or understand meaning, we can consider: ~ • word choice ~ • the delivery of spoken or written text !) • the organization of writing or speech into phrases, sentences, ~ paragraphs, etc. ~ • the development and coherence of individual words and ideas
This is something we should keep in mind when we write our responses to our AIDS quilt panels. Our own choices in words can be very powerful, as can the way we organize our blog posts and develop them. We could decide to describe the panel all at once, our over the course of the essay. We could also take a very personal take on it, or we could research and discuss it i a way that might not be so emotionally involved. This is a goo paragraph to learn from i order to improve the quality of our posts and help us write our responses in an organized, effective way to get our ideas across.
To help you think through the different modes that may be pres-ent in a multimodal text, we're going to introduce you to five terms from the work of the New London Group, a collection of education and literacy scholars who first promoted the concept of m~lti~o~al literacies. ·1 hey outlined five modes of communication-ltngu1stte, visual, aural, gestural, and spatial-
The NBC article about the pink pussy hat discusses in itself a visual mode. The hat is communicating via its visual form, an act of resistance for women during the women's march. Similarly, the trans flag pussy hat is discusses and it is also a visual mode using colors associated with transgender pride to create a more inclusive item. (https://twitter.com/WrrrdNrrrdGrrrl/status/828416317757743109/photo/1) The article itself uses visuals and linguistics.
The answer is yes! Let's take Figure 1.2 as an example. It might seem that an audi-ence could understand this text's argu. ment just by reading the written words. In fact, to understand the full message being communicated in the text, the audience has to make sense of other elements as well. They must also look at the images and read the captions that explain what the images contain. The format of the text-a single column of black printed words on a white background, with a margin on either side-also tells the audi-ence something important: that this text Is probably an academic work of some kind . (In fact, it's a page from fenny's disserta-tion.) Knowing what kind or text it is will influence the way the audience reads it
This is comparable to the NBC article itself. While it is speaking about the pink pussy hat, a form of text itself, the article uses a mixture of text, pictures, and quotes. It also includes tweets. It is a great example of multi-modal communication. Like many other online articles it takes advantage of the use of media that may not be suitable for print like tweets and videos.
To produce a successful text, writers must be able to consciously use different modes both alone and in combination with each other to communicate their ideas to others.
This reminds me of the NBC article on the pussy hat when it later argues that some people believe these hats to purposefully exclude women of color and trans women. The interpretation is that the pink symbolizes skin color and that because it references female genitalia, it excludes people who are not CIS. The creator of this hat then goes to discuss that this was never her intention. That the pink does represent femininity in a stereotypical way but that it does not mean to include only CIS gender women. She does however note that the hat does make refer to female anatomy which was inspired by Donald Trump's "Grab them by the pussy" statement but could prove to be exclusive of the trans community. This was not her intention, but this is how it has been received by some. Similarly, we may not have control over the way our choices in imagery, in multi-modal communication, and text can be interpreted. Similarly, the AIDS quilt can be interpreted in numerous ways as I'm sure in class we will discover we have very different views and ideas about the quilt and our panels.
This essay is a brief example of the AIDS quilt from the point of view of a teenager.
This essay is 15 pages long, and from what I have skimmed, it is a very thorough analysis of the AIDS quilt from a more collegiate point of view. These writing styles and use, or lack of use, of imagery affect the voices and points of view of the text differently and express very different points of view.
Text traditionally means written words. But because we want to talk about the visuals, sounds, and movement that make up multi-media, we use the term text to refer to a piece of communication as a whole. A text can be anything from a lolcat to a concert tee shirt to a dictionary to a performance.
The NBC news article is a traditional form of text. However, it discusses the impact of the pink pussy hat on a cultural scale. How it has impacted the women's rights movement s a visual comparable to a concert t-shirt as discussed in this paragraph. The pussy hat towards the bottom of the article with the trans flag is also a visual with a different cultural significance than the original pink color. It serves to be more inclusive of trans people.
Similarly, the AIDS quilt we have looked at has a cultural significance and is a form of media we can use and explore. It is a physical item that aims to commemorate individuals and raise awareness of the impact of AIDS.
For instance, lolcats, a well-known Internet meme, are multimodal. They combine photographs of cats with words written In humor-ously incorrect grammar to create a text that uses both visuals and language-11111/tip/e modes-to be funny.
In the article "Pink 'Pussyhat' Creator Addresses Criticism Over Name," it gives information about the pussy hat as it is known as a symbol for female empowerment. The name is taken from President Donald Trump's leaked audio stating that he could "grab them by the pussy" speaking of women he encountered being a big celebrity, which sparked outrage. This phrase went viral and was shared and well-known throughout the united states. Very much like the meme discussed here, it has a significance culturally and is a well known phrase. The pink pussy hats worn during the women's march are a play off of this phrase and are used as a way to combat this negative phrase and reclaim the idea.
This is an image showing the style of these hats and the popularity they had during the women's march.
This video contains context for the full video of all audio taken of Donald Trump which led to the outrage sparked by the "grab them by the pussy" phrase.