4 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2019
    1. Critical connections

      Having students thinking about these situations by using hypothetical situations could benefit the students more than just telling or lecturing to them about all the harmful situatuations they could be putting themselves in later down the road this will allow for them to reach this realization on their own

    2. Instead of teaching how to use a hashtag and how to tweet and retweet, I give my students meaningful tasks to help their learning. (Twitter plays a large role in my teaching, but the essential elements can be applied in many technological contexts.)

      Students love to know that their assignments are meaningful and using a platform such as Twitter is something that relates to them so it will keep them ENGAGED!!!!

    3. Teaching digital literacy does not mean teaching digital skills in a vacuum, but doing so in an authentic context that makes sense to students.

      How will our students be able to understand the importance of digital literacy if the way we have presented the information does not make sense to them???

    4. For example, teaching digital skills would include showing students how to download images from the Internet and insert them into PowerPoint slides or webpages. Digital literacy would focus on helping students choose appropriate images, recognize copyright licensing, and cite or get permissions, in addition to reminding students to use alternative text for images to support those with visual disabilities.

      This is so true, our students are so tech savy that we may overlook the fact that we (Educators) need to take our time and show them how to properly find appropriate material.