- Apr 2016
networkedlearningcollaborative.com networkedlearningcollaborative.com
with young children can increase their word banks, widen their background of experiences, extend their listening and comprehending ability, and ex pand their capacity to relate to the environment
Having children look at books, will gradually lead them to reading them at young ages which is good for them to be doing. When children begin to read at a young age, they tend to have a larger vocabulary, and tend to enjoy reading more than those who start reading later.
sharing books aids in conceptual development and vocabulary expansion, produces awareness of a variety of syntactical patterns, and alerts the listener to the symbolic function of language and its flexibility.
I do believe that sharing books helps many children in all different ways. It can help them with their vocab as well as help those who are struggling, to work with someone who is a little above their level. This is how they work together and end up having a conceptual understanding of the material they are reading.
They further cau tion that books vary in difficulty from one part to another and that "average" grade level assignments do not insure that a child will be able to read an entire book equally well
I agree with this. There are different types of picture books, which does make them differ with the different level of difficulty.
"that group of books in which pictures and text are con sidered to be of equal importance.
I agree that pictures and text are definitely of equal importance because pictures can help explain to the children what the text has to say. If you have no text with the pictures, then it is not beneficial to the reader.
They are written for the young child's interest and apprecia tion level, not his reading ability level
This is true. Picture books are made for children's interest and they are getting children to want to read. They may not be at the reading level of that child, but children love to flip through and look at different pictures. Sometimes children even draw their own story of what is going on in the story.
- Mar 2016
jgregorymcverry.com jgregorymcverry.com
ove hearing it read, and, more important, they are unafraid to try to imitate it.
I think this statement is extremely important in regard to how teachers are reluctant to teach poetry. This statement tells me that, as an educator, it is utterly vital to show to your students in your words, emotions, and physical demeanor that you are not only open, but also EXCITED with whatever learning material is being taught to your students. Sure, I might not have had the most wondrous experience with fractions throughout my academic career. However, if I show THAT to my students, in some way, shape, or form, then it is possible for them to develop a similar feeling of reluctance toward that subject of study. Educators model behaviors for their students. Reluctance to learning material or a new subject of study should not be one of these behaviors!
his type of writing can often do more harm than good in inspiring chil dren to write poetry. Little or no original thinking is required in order to complete such scripted tasks, and students end up with no foundation
Mad Lib, that sure does bring me back! ANYWAY, this statement in particular made me think about the question Dr. McVerry had asked in the module video about what emotions or ideas make for bad poetry. Initially, I had responded by saying there are no emotions or ideas that make for bad poetry because poetry is all about expression and interpretation for both the writer and audience. However, this statement is making me reevaluate my previous answer. In the context of teaching, I think Mad Lib and rebus make for bad poetry. Similar to what is described in the writing, both methods do not provide students with a framework in understanding creative writing. In fact, I feel these tools take away from the beauty of the true creative writing process.
at happens all too often when teachers choose to only read poems with students is that the students become confused by the complexity of the poetry, which often m
I never truly thought about this. Now that I am reading this statement, the realization is very sad to me. Poetry is such a beautiful and magical outlet for expression that every student, teacher, and person should feel comfortable with.