2 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2018
    1. On 2014 Aug 29, Massimo Ciccozzi commented:

      I read with interest the paper by Santosh et al. HIV 2 infections were geographically restricted, affecting West African countries1, 2, whereas in Europe the prevalence of HIV-2 is high in those countries that have socioeconomic relationships with this African region 3-5 . However, increased migration from/to other countries and international travels might increase the risk of spreading of this virus worldwide. We recently published a phylogenetic analysis of HIV2 case series in Italy using sequences isolated from Indian patients try to connect this infection with other from different countries 6. This article is very interesting and give important information on HIV-2 using a complete genome analysis. In Indian country few papers have been written in Phylogenetic analysis and Santosh and coauthors have given a sort of thrust in this way. In my opinion I only suggest the use of Bayesian Methods to have more robust information about the origin of Indian epidemics, moreover I encourage all Indian researchers, that are able to make sequences, to do this. It is also important that the scientific community don't lower the watch and monitor this infection also because to study HIV 2 can be an opportunity to better understand the HIV disease pathogenesis, protein immunity and this have to be taken before it disappears.<br> References

      1. Dougan S, Patel B, Tosswill JH, and Sinka K: Diagnoses of HIV-1 and HIV-2 in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland associated with west Africa. Sex Transm Infect 2005;81:338– 341.
      2. Matheron S, Mendoza-Sassi G, Simon F, Olivares R, Coulaud JP, and Brun-Vezinet F: HIV-1 and HIV-2 AIDS in African patients living in Paris. AIDS 1997;11:934–936.3

      3. Valadas E, Franc¸a L, Sousa S, and Antunes F: 20 years of HIV-2 infection in Portugal: Trends and changes in epidemiology. Clin Infect Dis 2009;48:1166–1167.

      4. Barin F, Cazein F, Lot F, et al.: Prevalence of HIV-2 and HIV-1 group O infections among new HIV diagnoses in France: 2003– 2006. AIDS 2007;21:2351–2353.

      5. Soriano V, Gomes P, Heneine W, et al.: Human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (HIV-2) in Portugal: Clinical spectrum, circulating subtypes, virus isolation, and plasma viral load. J Med Virol 2000;61:111–116.

      6. D’Ettorre,G, Lo Presti A,Gori C, Cella E,Bertoli A,Vullo V,Perno CF, Ciotti M,. Foley Brian T, and Massimo Ciccozzi. An HIV Type 2 Case Series in Italy: A Phylogenetic Analysis.(2013) AIDS Res HUM Retroviruses

      This comment, imported by Hypothesis from PubMed Commons, is licensed under CC BY.

  2. Feb 2018
    1. On 2014 Aug 29, Massimo Ciccozzi commented:

      I read with interest the paper by Santosh et al. HIV 2 infections were geographically restricted, affecting West African countries1, 2, whereas in Europe the prevalence of HIV-2 is high in those countries that have socioeconomic relationships with this African region 3-5 . However, increased migration from/to other countries and international travels might increase the risk of spreading of this virus worldwide. We recently published a phylogenetic analysis of HIV2 case series in Italy using sequences isolated from Indian patients try to connect this infection with other from different countries 6. This article is very interesting and give important information on HIV-2 using a complete genome analysis. In Indian country few papers have been written in Phylogenetic analysis and Santosh and coauthors have given a sort of thrust in this way. In my opinion I only suggest the use of Bayesian Methods to have more robust information about the origin of Indian epidemics, moreover I encourage all Indian researchers, that are able to make sequences, to do this. It is also important that the scientific community don't lower the watch and monitor this infection also because to study HIV 2 can be an opportunity to better understand the HIV disease pathogenesis, protein immunity and this have to be taken before it disappears.<br> References

      1. Dougan S, Patel B, Tosswill JH, and Sinka K: Diagnoses of HIV-1 and HIV-2 in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland associated with west Africa. Sex Transm Infect 2005;81:338– 341.
      2. Matheron S, Mendoza-Sassi G, Simon F, Olivares R, Coulaud JP, and Brun-Vezinet F: HIV-1 and HIV-2 AIDS in African patients living in Paris. AIDS 1997;11:934–936.3

      3. Valadas E, Franc¸a L, Sousa S, and Antunes F: 20 years of HIV-2 infection in Portugal: Trends and changes in epidemiology. Clin Infect Dis 2009;48:1166–1167.

      4. Barin F, Cazein F, Lot F, et al.: Prevalence of HIV-2 and HIV-1 group O infections among new HIV diagnoses in France: 2003– 2006. AIDS 2007;21:2351–2353.

      5. Soriano V, Gomes P, Heneine W, et al.: Human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (HIV-2) in Portugal: Clinical spectrum, circulating subtypes, virus isolation, and plasma viral load. J Med Virol 2000;61:111–116.

      6. D’Ettorre,G, Lo Presti A,Gori C, Cella E,Bertoli A,Vullo V,Perno CF, Ciotti M,. Foley Brian T, and Massimo Ciccozzi. An HIV Type 2 Case Series in Italy: A Phylogenetic Analysis.(2013) AIDS Res HUM Retroviruses

      This comment, imported by Hypothesis from PubMed Commons, is licensed under CC BY.