2 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2018
    1. On 2014 Jan 08, Tom Kindlon commented:

      The inclusion of more quotes and qualitative information in the paper would have been useful

      I think this is an interesting issue. However I think the paper would have benefited from quotes from what the participants said and generally more qualitative information. If healthcare providers are to improve on the situation, they need as much information as they can get about what exactly are the barriers.

      In particular, I feel more qualitative information on "Knowledge, Attitudes, and Beliefs (KABs)" and "Healthcare System" would have been useful. Perhaps the data could be used to write another paper.

      By the way, I find the use of the phrase (and acronym) "while those with insufficient fatigue (ISF)" in the abstract to be far from satisfactory. It seems to put fatigue onto a pedestal as the primary part of the definition of CFS. People for example may be in the ISF category because they don't have four of the case defining symptoms (while at the same time having "sufficient fatigue" i.e. the fatigue satisfies the entry criteria for CFS).

      This comment, imported by Hypothesis from PubMed Commons, is licensed under CC BY.

  2. Feb 2018
    1. On 2014 Jan 08, Tom Kindlon commented:

      The inclusion of more quotes and qualitative information in the paper would have been useful

      I think this is an interesting issue. However I think the paper would have benefited from quotes from what the participants said and generally more qualitative information. If healthcare providers are to improve on the situation, they need as much information as they can get about what exactly are the barriers.

      In particular, I feel more qualitative information on "Knowledge, Attitudes, and Beliefs (KABs)" and "Healthcare System" would have been useful. Perhaps the data could be used to write another paper.

      By the way, I find the use of the phrase (and acronym) "while those with insufficient fatigue (ISF)" in the abstract to be far from satisfactory. It seems to put fatigue onto a pedestal as the primary part of the definition of CFS. People for example may be in the ISF category because they don't have four of the case defining symptoms (while at the same time having "sufficient fatigue" i.e. the fatigue satisfies the entry criteria for CFS).

      This comment, imported by Hypothesis from PubMed Commons, is licensed under CC BY.