2 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2018
    1. On 2014 Jul 25, Ryan Radecki commented:

      Post-publication commentary:

      "The Scandal of Dabigatran – A Summary"

      We’ve been desperate for a more elegant solution to anticoagulation than rat poison for seemingly an eternity. Now, we have them: direct thrombin and factor Xa inhibitors. The studies supporting their use seem favorable.

      But, as the old story goes – and as previously reported on this blog many times – Boehringer Ingelheim has been selectively reporting only the most favorable aspects of their flagship drug, dabigatran. Increased cardiovascular events have been downplayed through study design not powered to detect a difference. Issues with fixed dose therapy – and lack of a range of options for patients with renal impairment – rear their ugly head in multiple case reports....


      This comment, imported by Hypothesis from PubMed Commons, is licensed under CC BY.

  2. Feb 2018
    1. On 2014 Jul 25, Ryan Radecki commented:

      Post-publication commentary:

      "The Scandal of Dabigatran – A Summary"

      We’ve been desperate for a more elegant solution to anticoagulation than rat poison for seemingly an eternity. Now, we have them: direct thrombin and factor Xa inhibitors. The studies supporting their use seem favorable.

      But, as the old story goes – and as previously reported on this blog many times – Boehringer Ingelheim has been selectively reporting only the most favorable aspects of their flagship drug, dabigatran. Increased cardiovascular events have been downplayed through study design not powered to detect a difference. Issues with fixed dose therapy – and lack of a range of options for patients with renal impairment – rear their ugly head in multiple case reports....


      This comment, imported by Hypothesis from PubMed Commons, is licensed under CC BY.