9 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2013
    1. Adding and searching custom tags

      Our current interface supports creating ad-hoc tags. We are planning some additional features in the future (reference to external ontologies, auto-suggest, etc #142). Is the current capability sufficient for Phase 1 MVP?

    2. If emails responses are sent to mailing list, links to those emails (or body text) should be added to annotation thread

      In other words, if I reply to an email , a reply annotation should be created. This would be expected functionality in any basic email notification scheme. This is included in our issue #1004.

    3. Credentials for identity (W3C, WebPlatform.org)

      EDIT: Changed to Phase1

    4. Show annotations on demand

      We support this now, via a "show annotations" toggle

    5. Annotation server hosted on WebPlatform.org

      Available now.

    6. Persist annotations across different versions of same spec

      With an embedded canonical URL this is available now.

    7. Toggle annotation functionality on or off

      Exactly what is meant here? With the extension, it can be activated-- i.e. turned on, but we're still working on turning it off! #468). We also have a "show annotations" capability, to allow highlighting of all source level annotations on the page. Will a Phase 1 demo be done w/ an extension, or via direct embedding of JS on a given page?

      EDIT: Changed to Phase1 at @tilgovi's suggestion below

    8. Reflecting comments in the mailing list

      Sending email notifications clearly seems like Phase 1 scope. How exactly annotations would be reflected to a mailing list and how that would be configured, needs to be spec'd. issue #1004

    9. Consider sending a custom headers via email, so replies can be federated, keeping discussion threaded and complete

      Suggesting Phase1