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  1. Jul 2024
    1. With this in mind, Singapore's main focus is to hone existing tech startups and encourage more company incorporation into the technological sector. So, if you're interested in penetrating this industry, the first thing you need to do is familiarize yourself with the concept. A tech startup is essentially a business that aims to provide products and services to consumers using technology. However, this doesn’t entail that all companies that utilize technology fall under this category. On the contrary, only companies that either use existing technology in new ways or provide innovative technological products and services that the market has never seen before are considered tech startups.

      What You Need to Know About Tech Startups and How to Build one in Singapore

      There are a number of upsides to living in Singapore; one of these being the amazing resources that are available for entrepreneurs. There are plenty of opportunities out there for tech businesses, but also a lot of things to consider. Here are the top things to know about building a tech startup in Singapore.

      If you are looking to get into the business world in Singapore, you need to register your business as a legal entity. A Singapore company registration services and company incorporation firm can give you the assistance you need to get your business started.