6 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2019
    1. Along with hovering and selecting of a number of points you can manage the current state of a single point. Use getPoint() method to get a point of a series

      seems useless as we just passed the data to anychart, but it is useful to dynamically change the point attributes responding on events. for example, changing colors to custom colors fed by user.

    2. chart.title().listen("mouseOut", function() { series_1.unhover(); series_2.unhover([0, 1, 5, 16, 17]); });

      nice example of having an event listener on the chart title

    1. create a custom legend from scratch.


    2. Labels are text or image elements that can be placed anywhere on any chart (you can enable them on a whole series or in individual points). For text labels, font settings and text formatters are available.

      Labels are dependent on chart type - on bar chart they are on top. On pie - aside the pie or inside.

    3. In AnyChart, you always work with a series, no matter what chart type you create. It is the series type that determines what (and how) is drawn on a chart

      key point - different series type will change the visualization of the chart, regardless of the chart type

    1. Here is the full list of available settings: anychart.core.StateSettings. Please note that many of them work only with certain types of charts or series.

      For example, enlarge font size only when hovered: chart.hovered().labels().fontSize(22);