4 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2022
    1. Black holes are extraordinarily dense objects possessing gravitational pulls so powerful even light cannot escape them. Supermassive black holes, which reside at the centre of many galaxies, including our own, are the largest of them

      ... கோள்களின் நடுவே சூரியன் உள்ளது. அது வெளிச்சத்தின் மயத்தை குறிக்கிறது. அதுவே திரள் ஆனது black hole மயம்மாய் கொண்டு இயங்குகிறது. காரிருளே மையமாய் உள்ளது.

    2. places at the centres of many large galaxies that have tremendous luminosity – sometimes outshining all of a galaxy's billions of stars combined – and produce the universe's most energetic outbursts seen since the Big Bang event 13.8 billion years ago. The energy arises from gas violently falling into a supermassive black hole that is surrounded by a cloud of tiny particles of rock and soot along with mostly hydrogen gas.
      • சிவன் நெற்றிக்கண் திறக்கும் பொது வெளிப்படும் சக்தி.அந்த நெற்றிகண்ணின் கருவிழியானது [[supermassive black hole]] aagum
    1. gravitational míreming woh* This text was recognized by the built-in Ocrad engine. A better transcription may be attained by right clicking on the selection and changing the OCR engine to "Tesseract" (under the "Language" menu). This message can be removed in the future by unchecking "OCR Disclaimer" (under the Options menu). More info: http://projectnaptha.com/ocrad

      Gravitational microlensing

      • gravitational wave approaching the earth is interrupted by blackhole, signal gets modified
  2. Jul 2020
    1. going to (try to) permanently delete this account in a few days dm me if you want to stay in touch via other channels, if i dont reply dont take it personally. goodbye, and thanks for all the dope

      i fucking loath people throwing themselves in to the black hole i fucking hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it.

      they get to delete all the fav's, all the conversations i've been in. they can take it all back, take it all away, & leave everyone they've dealt with absolutely nothing to hold on to.

      this are such sad events.

      @similaralterity was such a fun maker of prompts, someone who found so many ways to post their insides, hold up the human organs for all to see. shitty shitty shitty piece of my day.