- Jul 2024
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Case: patient #113, Male
Disease Assertion: UCD/OTCD
Family Info:
Case Presenting HPOs: Neonatal onset(HP:0003623), Hyperammonemia HP:0001987
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Case Previous Testing: GDNA from blood, cultured skin fibroblasts, liver from patients suspected for otc deficiency was used to amplify all 10 exons and exon/intron boundaries using primers listed in Table 1. The amplified DNA fragments were then screened by single-strand conformational polymorphism (SSCP) and the abnormally migrating DNA fragments were sequenced directly from PCR products (w/o subcloning) to identify the mutation. The amino acid residue substitution created by the mutation is examined using an alignment of 26 OTCase sequences from 23 species.
Supplemental Data: Table 4 Notes:
Variant: NM_000531.6: c.867+1G>A
ClinVarID: 97342
CAID: CA224813
Gene Name: OTC (ornithine transcarbamylase)
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Case: patient from family 1, male
Disease Assertion: UCD/OTCD
Family Info: Family history of the disease
Case Presenting HPOs: coma(HP:0001259), lethargy(HP:0001254), hyperammonemia (HP:0001987), Neonatal Onset HP:0003623
Case HPO FreeText: Poor feeding, poor spirit
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Case Previous Testing: Genomic DNA was extracted using the QIAamp DNA Blood Midi Kit (Qiagen, Duesseldorf, Germany). Quality control assessment of DNA samples was performed using the NanoDrop 2000 ultra-microvolume nucleic acid and protein spectrophotometer (Thermo, Waltham, MA, USA). The purity of DNA was required to be between 1.8 and 2.0.
Supplemental Data: TABLE 1, admitted to neonatal department because of poor feeding, poor spirit, coma, and lethargy. The maternal grandmother of the proband in this family had given birth to 3 boys and 2 girls. Two boys died within 1 month after birth
Variant: NM_000531.6: c.867+1G>C
CAID: CA412723994
Gene Name: OTC (ornithine transcarbamylase)
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Case: patient #51, male, Japanese
Disease Assertion: UCD/OTCD
Family Info: N/A
Case Presenting HPOs: neonatal(HP:0003623), intellectual disability (HP:0001249), seizure (HP:0001250),Hyperammonemia (HP:0001987)
Case HPO FreeText: Hypertonus, Autism, Acute liver failure. very high blood ammonia
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Case NOT HPO Free Text:
Case Previous Testing: The mRNA ref seq were, wherein the “A” nucleotide of the start codon ATG constituted as +1 numbering of the cDNA sequence. Met encoded by the start codon ATG also represented +1 for the amino acid numbering as set forth by the preprotein seq. PolyPhen-2, SIFT, and I-Mutant 3 tools were used for predicting the potential impact of an amino acid alteration in missense mutations on the function of each enzyme.
Supplemental Data: Table 1
Variant: NM_000531.6:c.867+1G>C
ClinVarID: N/A
CAID: CA412723994
Gene Name: OTC (ornithine transcarbamylase)