3 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2019
    1. onsecratedourdearbabeinbaptism.WecallherElizabethAntoinett

      Boutwell and Crooks baptize their daughter Elizabeth Antoinette

    2. heseventhdaythemessengerbroughtmeanmrmatlve[answer]&thenextdayIpackedupmyeffects,swungmypack&marched

      In order to overcome suspicions of a mistress, Boutwell marries Hester Crooks



  2. Mar 2019
    1. “Early on, Trump came to the conclusion that it is better to do business with crooks than with honest people. Crooks have two big advantages. First, they’re prepared to pay more money than honest people. And second, they will always lose if you sue them because they are known to be crooks.”

      This is amazing.