6 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. the Berkeley license provides the maximum amount of freedom to potential users
  2. May 2024
    1. Equivocation and Omission remain as the only optionsfor an attack on CRDT layer



    1. Thus only the valid subset of theblocks will be considered as state by the replicated abstrac-tion (the CRDT).

      Note: here valid seems to refer to both well-formed and valid.

      Detection of this malformedness is possible as funciton(block). Thus a correct node will not accept such block's ops and won't make more atop.

      Additional check is required to ensure that nodes do that^.

      Nodes that do not comply are byzantine as well, and their ops can be "not observed" as well.

    1. Unfortunately, version vectors are not safe in the presenceof Byzantine nodes, as shown in Figure 1. This is because aByzantine node may generate several distinct updates withthe same sequence number, and send them to different nodes(this failure mode is known as equivocation). Subsequently,when correct nodes p and q exchange version vectors, theymay believe that they have delivered the same set of updatesbecause their version vectors are identical, even though theyhave in fact delivered different updates.

      Version vectors are not BFT

    1. Comparing version vectors betweenpayloads is an inclusion check without the need to perform aDAG-walking

      Version Vectors does not represent equivocations / forks.

      E.g., it conveys "Alice's 3rd" (is X remotely). Where Alice could have created equivocation, and locally Alice's 3rd event is Y.

  3. Sep 2021
    1. use similar words but lead to very different priorities and actions

      From Barack Obama's Dreams From My Father:

      With our eyes closed, we muttered the same words, but in our hearts we each prayed to our own masters