1 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2024
    1. Gravitas (.mw-parser-output .IPA-label-small{font-size:85%}.mw-parser-output .references .IPA-label-small,.mw-parser-output .infobox .IPA-label-small,.mw-parser-output .navbox .IPA-label-small{font-size:100%}Classical Latin: [ˈɡrawɪt̪aːs̠]) was one of the ancient Roman virtues[1] that denoted "seriousness".[2] It is also translated variously as weight, dignity, and importance and connotes restraint and moral rigor.[1] It also conveys a sense of responsibility and commitment to the task.[3]

      Gravitas as denoting seriousness, weight, dignity, restraint, moral right, or responsibilities and commitment.