17 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2015
    1. I just tagged a group annotation and realized you can’t search for it on the stream. Querying the stream as a logged-in user: https://hypothes.is/stream?q=tag:test123 -> 0 results Querying the API as a logged-in user: https://hypothes.is/api/search?tag=test123 -> 1 result
    2. The left tab is an H blog post with H embedded. Its local storage — where we remember stuff — is keyed to the URL. But with no embed, the local storage is keyed to the extension’s id. So if you switch tabs embed<->embed or extension<->extension things stay the same, but if you cross those wires they may differ. Maybe we can always remember stuff using the URL key?
    3. Select a group annotation, then begin another. Selected annotation remains visible, new annotation not visible. Clear selection. New annotation still not visible. Scroll to end of sidebar. New annotation finally visible.

      Select a group annotation, then begin another. Selected annotation remains visible, new annotation not visible. Clear selection. New annotation still not visible. Scroll to end of sidebar. New annotation finally visible.

    4. A selected-then-edited annotation goes missing until reselected:
    5. Here’s a minor detail with the post control. Both actions — switching scope and posting — are contingent on min input being supplied to the editor (text or a tag). Prior to that, the control still drops down, implying that scope-switching is available even before the control lights up and is ready to post. Possibilities: – don’t drop down until the button lights up and is ready to do – do drop down, and actually enable scope switching before the button lights up and is ready to go

      Context: It seems to be possible to switch scopes before the annotation is ready to post, but isn't possible.

    6. if the extension is not active I can be logged in but without group controls: Oh, I see. This had not occurred to me before but you can be logged in two different ways: Quite confusing if you assume, as I did, that I could reply to the group from the stream.

      Context: Cannot reply to a group from the stream.

    7. Selected group: Hypothesis Groups Testing Expected: Focus on that group Actual: Focus on Public, had to switch away and then back to group to focus on it.

      Context: Although the group scope is sticky, annotations displayed when visiting a page in that scope may not reflect the group until after a refresh.

      At https://hypothes.is/blog/2015-10-06-test-narrative-jon-groups/.

      I continue to suspect weirdness when H is also embedded as in this case. Will repeat this for the wsj url that does not embed h.

    8. How is the RSS feed seeing it?

      Oh, I get it.

      So: we now have to contemplate adding RSS/Atom authentication for group feeds.

      Context here: I realized that groups can't use RSS/Atom to monitor activity unless using an RSS/Atom reader that can have and use H credentials which is a hairball. We should probably enable it but I'm bumping the priority of the all-up Notifications epic.

      More context: @robertknight suggests offering a special group RSS link on the landing page, Great idea!

    9. Focus goes to deleted group, however.

      Context: Can now leave a group, but the focus after doing so needs cleanup.

    10. we allow group names that differ only in a part of the name not normally visible



      It’s important that we do, so that a name like “Mr. Smith’s English Class” need not be globally unique. But should we:

      – Prevent me from creating two names that look alike?

      – Add the hash to the tooltip so a person who happens to belong to two groups differing only by the hash has a way to distinguish them?

    11. we allow group names like #&*()qwer. Should we?

      Image Description

    12. So the group name isn’t sent in the API call. That’ll be easy to fix, at which point group query on the stream will work, subject (as always) to permissions, so you’ll need to be a logged-in group user to see results for that group.

      Context here is that a group query you'd expect to work on the stream doesn't yet.

    13. The POST button says Only Me but the card above still says 2015-08-06-test-narrative. Should it adjust?

      Maybe just remove the group name from the "to GroupName" line?

    14. I have to check each group to find which has the in-flight annotation that I can continue or cancel.

      So maybe switching scopes should auto-cancel an in-progress annotation?

    1. Relaying a report from Conor from a private group:

      "When I created this highlight, it was associated with the group (as I was scoped by the group) but was "Only Me" - I wanted to make this viewable to the group so I hit edit, added a tag, changed the scope to the group. Success. When I then changed the scope back to public, this group highlight I had made was in the public stream. It then disappeared from Public on page reload."

    1. Also, when I reply as “Only Me” the annotation should *not* show group membership.

      Context here: In a reply to a group annotation, switching to Only Me leaves the name of the group on the card.

    2. a bogus search returns everything in the stream

      Yes. Unrelated to groups of course.

      Context here: if you get anything wrong in the syntax of a stream query it fails in bad way by acting as if you queried for everything. So it's not obvious that your query failed.