9 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2022
    1. They render quantitative relations with a transparency that seems natural, so that, for instance, if we look at the changes in population across a series of years for a particular location, we can simply accept that from one year to the next rises or drops occurred in the numbers of persons alive in X city in X country at X time.

      Think of the bar/line charts employed by Blevins that demonstrate the occurence of a cluster of words related to weather or gardening that are compared to months of the year along the x-axis

    2. Capta is “taken” actively while data is assumed to be a “given” able to be recorded and observed

      This brings up the notion of ethics in research - information that is taken rather than given and the inherent power dynamic

    1. and over the course of the diary’s average year they also beautifully depict the fingerprint of Maine’s seasonal cycles:

      I love how the prevalence of certain words reflects the natural environment - much like how weather terms like cold and snow appear most in entries made during the cold and snowy months. The diary therefore is not just an account of one person's life, but of the geographical location that they inhabit.

    2. MALLET did a better job of grouping words than a human reader.

      I guess this answers my previous question.

    3. The most descriptive label I could assign this topic would be EMOTION – a tricky and elusive concept for humans to analyze, much less computers.

      It would be interesting to compare how a human reading the diary entries from this particular period would pick up on this change in emotional state. Are machines better at identifying these shifts through mathematical calculation over human intuition?

    4. topic modeling, a method of computational linguistics that attempts to find words that frequently appear together within a text and then group them into clusters.

      We use a similar strategy in communication studies when conducting textual analysis. We use encoding to apply labels to recurring themes in different texts, interviews, images, etc. to find larger, overarching themes that link different media.

  2. Jul 2017
    1. We believe that this confusion was partly responsible for the evolution of the project from a tool where collaboration and community support was envisioned, a process of sharing authority, to one where we the historians seem to be using the crowd more as a reservoir, contrary to our intentions.

      Interesting point.

    2. Crowdsourcing should not be a first step. The resources are already out there;

      May as well attempt to build and starting point. Though by doing this i think the type of materials would be very different from the ones crowdsourced.

    3. echnical literacy, closed algorithms for search engines, unequal access to quality hardware, and poor Internet connections mean that there is a disparity among users in their ability to manipulate the Internet for their own purposes.

      Ideally, everyone in the world should have the access to the web. Unfortunately this is not the case. Even on my farm here, home in Manitoba there is a obvious disconnect between urban/rural internet connection and the services provided. In town, 20 minutes east, internet is fast and reliable and usually unlimited for much cheaper. Here on the farm it is limited, expensive and pretty terrible. (want to watch a facebook video? Yeah not a chance unless you're home alone) That being said, it is clear that i have less web access then those who use it in town.. digitized democracy is not attainable when such digital divides are present.