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  1. Sep 2019
  2. span2204.commons.gc.cuny.edu span2204.commons.gc.cuny.edu
    1. Thus, even though these numbers turned out to be exaggerated, the authority of their source—the INS—meant that they entered public discourse as a symbol of alarm.29For example, the December 1974 cover of the American Legion Magazinedepicted the United States being overrun by “illegal aliens” (Figure 1.1). Most of the cartoon people in the image are Mexicans storming, en masse, across the U.S.-Mexico border, breaking down a sign that reads “usa border” and another one reading “keep out.” Other immigrants are landing by boats along theEast Coast, flying in and swimming from the Caribbean, parachuting acrossthe Canadian border, and all of them are converging upon, and inundat-ing, the nation’s institutions, most notably welfare, education, housing, jobs, and medical care. Such images were to become more frequent in the nation’s magazines over the next three decades, contributing to an increasingly alarmist d

      I feel that cartoons (in magazines/newspapers/etc) always tend to implicate some type of "joke" because it is illustraited in a way that should just be a slap in the writst just because it is a drawing and it is "funny"because it is a cartoon. But there has been a a lot of cartoons HYSTORICALLY publicly published that no doubt has racism stamped all over it. No difference with this cartoon there is stereotypes of Mexicans with sombreros and almost racing to these facilities. I also think of the illustraitor and what type of person is he and what his/her intensions were to be using effort and tallent on something so RACIST.