8 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2016
    1. This might be useful for achieving consistency after automated translation of CoffeeScript to ES6

  2. Nov 2015
    1. The free plan of ngrok allows only a single concurrent tunnel to be opened. Even though BroswerStack and Sauce Labs provide their own tunneling solution, we decided to go with ngrok, in order to provide a more generic solution. We happily upgraded to the $25/month business account following our excellent experience with the free account.
  3. Oct 2015
    1. It’s known that Angular becomes slower with around 2,000 bindings due to the process behind dirty-checking. The less we can add to this limit the better, as bindings can add up without us really noticing it!

      From some preliminary testing it looks like we get close to hitting the 2000 watch count on the /stream view - which explains the lag.

    1. In version 1.4, bindToController gets even more powerful. When having an isolated scope with properties to be bound to a controller, we always define those properties on the scope definition and bindToController is set to true. In 1.4 however, we can move all our property binding definitions to bindToController and make it an object literal.

      This starts to look a lot like propTypes, except without runtime type checking.

    1. Note that we currently are using a universal selector reset in reset.scss in H which changes the default box-sizing model.

  4. Sep 2015
    1. After some research, I found karma-ng-html2js-preprocessor, a npm package that does the above, all from the karma configuration

      This is used in the H app, or at least referenced in package.json

    1. IcoMoon was also the first to solve a big problem with icon fonts: Compatibility with screen readers. By using the Private Use Area of Unicode, this problem was solved and almost every other icon font started to use the same encoding.