1 Matching Annotations
- Dec 2024
actualfluency.com actualfluency.com
Lingopie Pros and Cons Pros I think Lingopie is a nice, affordable, tool that language learners can use for immersion. It’s more fun and exciting to watch content in your target language than many other study methods. By having multiple tools and games to enrich the experience, you improve your learning accuracy and speed. They also have a wide variety of videos, and with 8 different languages there is a good selection for the aspiring polyglot as well. Cons The biggest drawback to Lingopie is the fact that the translations are generated automatically and it uses text-to-speech in places. The generated translations generally come out accurate for a full subtitle, but problems arise when you click a single word. Here, the translation engine simply doesn’t have the context to translate very well, so you might end up more confused than if you didn’t have it, which gets even more complicated for some languages more than others. LingQ – which is a similar tool, just without video, solves this by letting you select multiple words and thus improves the contextual translation (although not perfectly, either.)
Lingopie vs lingQ: is the difference between them in meaning and translation for multiple words, or context?
Does Lingopie really lack this obviously needed multi-word ability?
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