1 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2016
    1. 2.0 out of 5 starsBook leans to the left, makes white men out to be villains By Amazon Customer on March 8, 2016Format: Paperback I believe this book focuses too much on the negative aspects of American history, targeting white men in particular. True, American history, just like any other country's history, isn't all sunshine and roses; however, I get the impression that this book leans to the left and doesn't provide a very balanced view. I'd be more interested in a history book that deals with the truth of what happened as opposed to a history book that superfluously and purposely focuses on women and minorities while painting white men as villains.

      "I'd be more interested in a history book that deals with the truth of what happened as opposed to a history book that superfluously and purposely focuses on women and minorities..."

      a remarkably pointed example of the thinking pattern / belief system that arlie hochschild discusses in strangers in their own land