10 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2016
    1. a move towards thinking of genres in terms of interpretive strategies readers bring to their encounters with texts.

      Very much a move toward what we in litcrit call 'reader response' theory or what in physics they call observer effect.

    2. In other words, genres of participation are not value-neutral when it comes to issues of equity and opportunity.

      power relationships.

    3. We are still early in developing a robust understanding of these complicated barriers to participation.

      I don't want to say 'understate much' but I do want to indicate the level of complexity that is being undertaken is at a scale similar to exploring the genome.

    4. we’ve selected many cases that have high numbers of girls and black and Latino/ Latina youth.

      What are we looking at here: race, gender, economic class or what? Which category is more 'telling'?

    5. jump off from this point into finding a new genuine interest

      geeking out

    6. interest-driven practices

      messing around

    7. friendship-driven practices

      hanging out

    8. agency versus structure

      huh? agency as a everything from total freedom to totalitarian submission, a continuum? Agency within structure.

    1. lives beyond the schoolroom

      Is this authoritativeness inherently wrong for the classroom? Could there be ways to move from external control toward internal control? Can authority be made to serve autonomy? Isn't this quite common in tutor-mentor or apprenticeship structures, even informal learning situations?

    2. authoritative

      The word "authority" here is one I am unclear on. Does Jenkins mean acknowledged and certified expert knowledge, does he mean hierarchic power, or does he mean something else entirely?