10 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2016
    1. All in all, I think this lengthy written work by Schryer is a way of finding connections between record-keeping and genre via rhetorical analysis, studies, and hard,cold facts. I like that Schryer incorporated evidence with studies that have been done, and examples from their own research.

    2. Genre - current significant action. I think in writing this is a good definition. I would personally define it as a niche that writing, art, or any other medium falls under. This could be singular or plural, as we discussed in class that genre and medium are not interchangeable.

    3. When genres are viewed from a rhetorical as well as a dialectical and dialogic perspective, they then become ways to theorize about complex, evolving discourse practices. I think this is a great way to showcase the positive effects of genre in rhetoric.

    4. More important, as teachers of writing, particularly at the advanced level, we can teach our students of examine critically the genres that both constitute....

      I think this is very important for professors to know. By allowing students to bring in information from various genres, we can create an atmosphere that is diverse and beautiful.

    5. I think this talk about medical records is somewhat accurate, as they are known to have flaws in their organization. This is why electronic records with accurate information is key.

    6. "Contradictions always exist. It is through contradication, in fact, that change occurs."

      This quote was deep! I love this and I am going to keep it. I think Schryer is so right we she notes how simple relationships can exist between both big and small things, like people and society.

    7. On page 9, Schryer makes connections between Miller and Bazerman in how rhetorical genres can be social action. I think this is important in establishing how technical communication can reach across broad spectrum.

    8. Many believe that clinical cases are too complex, too multi-factorial and that students are too prone to hasty diagnoses without a great deal of prior course work.

      I agree with this statement to some extent, but I still believe students should be allowed to have practice of real on hands work.

    9. On page 6, I find it interesting that none of the staff at the school thought that record keeping, as a genre, could have an influence on student's performance and literacy.

    10. Late page 6/ beginning of page seven pertains to medical records. I find this interesting as medical records are slowly becoming more and more digital, perhaps due to the absurd handwriting of doctors.