4 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2020
  2. Sep 2020
  3. Jul 2020
    1. Oracle didn’t seem very interested in OpenOffice.org, and the community of volunteers developing it formed The Document Foundation back in 2010. They called on Oracle to participate and donate the OpenOffice.org name and brand to the community. Oracle never did, and the resulting forked office suite has been named LibreOffice since then.
  4. Nov 2019
    1. I often wish for this. I don't understand why this hasn't been added.

      Ugly workaround for now:

      # Note, even though we don't need or use arguments passed to this selector, you *must* pass in an
      # argument to prevent it from matching the :id selector and giving a "Unable to find id :parent (Capybara::ElementNotFound)" error.
      # Example: el.first(:parent, 1)
      # You may also need match: first if el matches multiple elements to avoid Capybara::Ambiguous
      Capybara.add_selector(:parent) do
        xpath { ".//.." }