8 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2024
    1. TipoDePrueba/mesh/D000403/AirwayResistance TipoDePrueba/mesh/D002000/ForcedSpirometry















  2. Feb 2024
  3. May 2021
  4. Apr 2017
    1. Within black communities, this process of black authenticity has historically oscillated between the binariesof excess and austerity.

      In this paragraph we are given the relationship between the "Afrocentric" and "Ghettocentric'. Those who are fans of hip hop's positive message also shame the more explicit aspects of rap which are historically known to influence negativity in many aspects. Either way both sides are arguing on which s more correct or "authentic" when telling the black mans story. This could help to not only categorize the hip-hop artist we are all writing about but also be another source for the argument between conscious and gangster rap.

    2. This new black aesthetic offers a new identity outside the workplace byendorsing the consumption of luxury goods. As a form of "dressing up," it also offers a status forsubordinate groups that blurs distinctions between themselves and their oppressors

      Shift in the culture the "bling bling" (a term made popular by Lil Wayne ) era.

    3. microscope andfound...to be the source of all that is wrong with American society" (Diawara, 2). From the right, hip hop isattacked as a practice that started in urban America but is infecting the morals and family values ofsuburban teens. At the same time, sectors of the left and the black middle-class distance themselves fromhip hop because of its misogyny and homophobia.
    4. why did hip hop become the revolution that failed?

      This question I feel can be taken in many directions if you look at hip-hop in a political and social arena? Where did it take a wrong turn? Although "gangsta rap" is very controversial, the group NWA falls in the "gangsta rap" category and was very political in between all of the lyrics about sex, drugs, and violence.