20 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2018
    1. tead, structural metrics like this one inform us about the functioning of the friendship network as opposed to a few adolescents in the network.  

      This study was an interesting application of structural metrics. Did the authors detail in their conclusions what their data showed about how aggression may be predictive of friendship selection? You mentioned a self report, do you think that an individuals own level of aggression may affect their friendship selections? In other words maybe those who are more aggressive group with others if higher aggression, vice versa.

    1. Using keywords to express themes and trends in the literature, they used social network analysis to examine the cooccurrence between words to “deeply explore research hotspots, research opportunities, as well as cutting-edge evolution in creativity field”

      Looking at many of the keywords from the figure, many of the keywords seem to be common themes in social/behavioral research in general. What explicitly link these terms to creativity research?

    1. The survey asked questions in regard to hygiene and trade-related indicators of each market

      Were these surveys given to producers? If so how did they account for self report bias....or am I looking at this the wrong way

    1. his method could be used to identify the influential spreaders within a criminal network in order to target them to hinder the spread of information through the criminal network.

      Do you think that the use of structural methods independently is more reliable and/or appropriate than a mixed methods approach which could include both nodal and structural methods? I think that in the context of criminal justice the preliminary use of structural metrics would be beneficial if dealing with a a large network, but follow up with nodal metrics could also be invaluable.

    1. The results indicate the presence of large structural networks within the brain. 

      What does the researcher plan to do next with these graphical displays? Do they believe that there any immediate applications?

    2. Drawing on my neuroscience background, I chose a study that operationalized k-core decomposition and density to understand the structure of the human cerebral cortex.  

      I just wanted to say that using SNA in this manner is pretty cool!

    1. these organizations to conclude that this funding was successful in its goal to provide better services for transition-aged youth.

      This is a very interesting study! I worked in metal health for a while and have seen first hand how important coordination of care is, especially during times of transition from a service provider. Was the purpose of this to track which programs were efficiently providing transitional support in aims to validate the funding they were already receiving or to provide them with additional funding?

    1. hough inequity in access still exists, and some voices will continue to hold more weight than others (celebrities, politicians, social media influences, etc.)

      Do you think there is a way that we can distribute this weight more evenly? Should it be distributed evenly?

    1. At times of extreme political divide, the public can sometimes get their information from media that tend to lean to one side or another rather than providing unbiased perspectives.

      Do you think that the consumption of media influences peoples thinking or do people seek information sources that historically align with their ideals?

    1. I think the changes are good for those who are able to actively benefit from them but bad for those who are not. 

      You make a really good point here. What about the people though who do have a voice but do not use it for prosocial purposes. In our new hyper-connected world do you think that we need to increase protective measure against those who would use these networks as platforms to spread hate, fear, and violence?

    1. The spread of such information puts power back into the hands of ordinary citizens.  It enables them to have a voice that others can galvanize around helping them to exert influence over governments, economies and healthcare systems.

      Thomas do you believe that this availability of communication counteracts the fears that Habermas had of the formal media? Although sponsors may be able to control to certain extent the news, radio, etc. they can not control the media that is produced and circulated by private citizens.

    1. real-world situations and media outlet influence infecting the public sphere.

      How do you think we can course correct these issues Patrick? Consumer protests? Litigation and changes in policy?

    2. The main ideal behind the public sphere is that everyone should have equal access, autonomy, and opportunity to it

      In the current state of the U.S do you believe that we have achieved that 'idealistic' version of a public sphere?

  2. Oct 2018
    1. The network(s) nodes will consist of political organizations or other entities, and the edges will include financial contributions that are both sent and received.

      Which SNA methods did you use primarily when working with your data?

    1. I believe that the key to analyzing peer influence is looking at the in-degrees and out-degrees of a node to determine if there are reciprocal relationships between the individual and the other individuals that they consider to be close friends

      Which metric (in degree or out degree) do you think would be most important as it relates to your research question?

    1. highly connected students

      Are you operationalizing connectedness in the context of a students engagement to class material ( i.e. participation in class discussion, completing assignments, etc.) or are you interested in overall social behavior (all conversations, pro/anti social behavior, etc.)?

    2. These youth are less likely to graduate from high school and face limited employment prospects, increasing their risk for poverty, poorer health, and involvement in the criminal justice system…

      After previously working in the public school systems I can definitely agree that this is an issue. Though, admittedly, I was one of these kids....thankfully my high-school habits did not become a direct reflection of my adulthood.

    1. This way they could look at centralized actors and see if they needed to change any of their social media strategies.

      Hey there, what was the primary premise of your study..that either positive or negative responses would get more attention or something along those lines?

    1. f there was a clear difference in the demographics of interest between the MCU Phases and the Production Studios

      Very interesting! Did you find any differences?

    2. This was proven very difficult when I knew an actor’s race, but they play an alien

      This may be a stupid question Patrick but were you more interested with the demographics of the actual actor or the character they play?