208 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2015
    1. I feel that there is a great benefit to fixing this question at the spec level. Otherwise, what happens? I read a web page, I like it and I am going to annotate it as being a great one -- but first I have to find out whether the URI my browser is used, conceptually by the author of the page, to represent some abstract idea?
  2. Jun 2015
  3. Apr 2015
    1. Keeping type-maps separate from the events allows the user to edit, combine, or eliminate tags based on the application.

      I think that this type of approach will be necessary for tagging methods.

    2. n semi-structured tagging, users select tags from a tag hierarchy, but may add tags within the hierarchy as needed. By reusing existing tags, users gain the structural benefits of ontologies while still retaining the flexibility of open tagging

      Yes, I believe that this is the best compromise.

  4. Oct 2014
    1. Maybe the driver for semantic web data is humans trying to programmatically consume human-readable information, rather than the other way around?
    1. observational metadata is far more reliable than the stuff that human beings create for the purposes of having their documents found. It cuts through the marketing bullshit, the self-delusion, and the vocabulary collisions

      Read the whole essay it is worth the while...