- Oct 2021
www.annualreviews.org www.annualreviews.org
Cada aspecto de la visión, desde las proteínas de opsina hasta los ojos y las formas en que sirven al comportamiento animal, es increíblemente diverso. Solo con una perspectiva evolutiva se puede comprender y apreciar plenamente esta diversidad. En esta revisión, describo y explico la diversidad en cada nivel y trato de transmitir una comprensión de cómo el origen de la primera ops en hace unos 800 millones de años pudo iniciar la avalancha que produjo la asombrosa diversidad de ojos y visiones que vemos hoy. A pesar de la diversidad, muchos tipos de fotorreceptores, ojos y roles visuales han evolucionado varias veces de forma independiente en diferentes animales, revelando un patrón de evolución ocular estrictamente guiado por limitaciones funcionales e impulsado por la evolución de comportamientos gradualmente más exigentes.
- Jun 2021
www.science.org www.science.org
BACKGROUNDThe interdisciplinary field of animal coloration is growing rapidly, spanning questions about the diverse ways that animals use pigments and structures to generate color, the underlying genetics and epigenetics, the perception of color, how color information is integrated with information from other senses, and general principles underlying color’s evolution and function. People working in the field appreciate linkages between these parallel lines of enquiry, but outsiders need the easily navigable roadmap that we provide here. ADVANCESIn the past 20 years, the field of animal coloration research has been propelled forward by technological advances that include spectrophotometry, digital imaging, computational neuroscience, innovative laboratory and field studies, and large-scale comparative analyses, which are allowing new questions to be asked. For example, we can now pose questions about the evolution of camouflage based on what a prey’s main predator can see, and we can start to appreciate that gene changes underlying color production have occurred in parallel in unrelated species. Knowledge of the production, perception, and evolutionary function of coloration is poised to make contributions to areas as diverse as medicine, security, clothing, and the military, but we need to take stock before moving forward. OUTLOOKHere, a group of evolutionary biologists, behavioral ecologists, psychologists, optical physicists, visual physiologists, geneticists, and anthropologists review this diverse area of science, daunting to the outsider, and set out what we believe are the key questions for the future. These are how nanoscale structures are used to manipulate light; how dynamic changes in coloration occur on different time scales; the genetics of coloration (including key innovations and the extent of parallel changes in different lineages); alternative perceptions of color by different species (including wavelengths that we cannot see, such as ultraviolet); how color, pattern, and motion interact; and how color works together with other modalities, especially odor. From an adaptive standpoint, color can serve several functions, and the resulting patterns frequently represent a trade-off among different evolutionary drivers, some of which are nonvisual (e.g., photoprotection). These trade-offs can vary between individuals within the same population, and color can be altered strategically on different time scales to serve different purposes. Lastly, interspecific differences in coloration, sometimes even observable in the fossil record, give insights into trait evolution. The biology of color is a field that typifies modern research: curiosity-led, technology-driven, multilevel, interdisciplinary, and integrative.
- May 2021
royalsocietypublishing.org royalsocietypublishing.org
Aposematic signals are often characterized by high conspicuousness. Larger and brighter signals reinforce avoidance learning, distinguish defended from palatable prey and are more easily memorized by predators. Conspicuous signalling, however, has costs: encounter rates with naive, specialized or nutritionally stressed predators are likely to increase. It has been suggested that intermediate levels of aposematic conspicuousness can evolve to balance deterrence and detectability, especially for moderately defended species. The effectiveness of such signals, however, has not yet been experimentally tested under field conditions. We used dough caterpillar-like baits to test whether reduced levels of aposematic conspicuousness can have survival benefits when predated by wild birds in natural conditions. Our results suggest that, when controlling for the number and intensity of internal contrast boundaries (stripes), a reduced-conspicuousness aposematic pattern can have a survival advantage over more conspicuous signals, as well as cryptic colours. Furthermore, we find a survival benefit from the addition of internal contrast for both high and low levels of conspicuousness. This adds ecological validity to evolutionary models of aposematic saliency and the evolution of honest signalling.
Las señales aposemáticas a menudo se caracterizan por una gran notoriedad. Las señales más grandes y brillantes refuerzan el aprendizaje de la evitación, distinguen a las presas defendidas de las apetecibles y los depredadores las memorizan más fácilmente. Sin embargo, la señalización llamativa tiene costos: es probable que aumenten las tasas de encuentro con depredadores ingenuos, especializados o con estrés nutricional. Se ha sugerido que los niveles intermedios de notoriedad aposemática pueden evolucionar para equilibrar la disuasión y la detectabilidad, especialmente para las especies moderadamente defendidas. Sin embargo, la efectividad de tales señales aún no se ha probado experimentalmente en condiciones de campo. Usamos cebos en forma de oruga para probar si los niveles reducidos de visibilidad aposemática pueden tener beneficios de supervivencia cuando son depredados por aves silvestres en condiciones naturales. Nuestros resultados sugieren que, al controlar el número y la intensidad de los límites de contraste internos (rayas), un patrón aposemático de visibilidad reducida puede tener una ventaja de supervivencia sobre las señales más conspicuas, así como los colores crípticos. Además, encontramos un beneficio de supervivencia de la adición de contraste interno tanto para niveles altos como bajos de notoriedad. Esto agrega validez ecológica a los modelos evolutivos de prominencia aposemática y la evolución de la señalización honesta.
royalsocietypublishing.org royalsocietypublishing.org
Frequency-dependent predation may maintain or prevent colour pattern polymorphisms in prey, and can be caused by a variety of biological phenomena, including perceptual processes (search images), optimal foraging and learning. Most species are preyed upon by more than one predator species, which are likely to differ in foraging styles, perceptual and learning abilities. Depending upon the interaction between predator vision, background and colour pattern parameters, certain morphs may be actively maintained in some conditions and not in others, even with the same predators. More than one kind of predator will also affect stability, and only slight changes in conditions can cause a transition between polymorphism and monomorphism. Frequency-dependent selection is not a panacea for the explanation of variation in animal colour patterns, although it may be important in some systems.
La depredación dependiente de la frecuencia puede mantener o prevenir polimorfismos de patrones de color en la presa y puede ser causada por una variedad de fenómenos biológicos, incluidos los procesos de percepción (búsqueda de imágenes), la búsqueda de alimento y el aprendizaje óptimos. La mayoría de las especies son atacadas por más de una especie depredadora, que probablemente difieran en estilos de alimentación, habilidades de percepción y de aprendizaje. Dependiendo de la interacción entre la visión del depredador, el fondo y los parámetros del patrón de color, ciertos morfos pueden mantenerse activamente en algunas condiciones y no en otras, incluso con los mismos depredadores. Más de un tipo de depredador también afectará la estabilidad, y solo pequeños cambios en las condiciones pueden causar una transición entre polimorfismo y monomorfismo. La selección dependiente de la frecuencia no es una panacea para la explicación de la variación en los patrones de color de los animales, aunque puede ser importante en algunos sistemas.
academic.oup.com academic.oup.com
Many organisms use warning, or aposematic, coloration to signal their unprofitability to potential predators. Aposematically colored prey are highly visually conspicuous. There is considerable empirical support that conspicuousness promotes the effectiveness of the aposematic signal. From these experiments, it is well documented that conspicuous, unprofitable prey are detected sooner and aversion learned faster by the predator as compared with cryptic, unprofitable prey. Predators also retain memory of the aversion longer when prey is conspicuous. The present study focused on the elements of conspicuousness that confer these benefits of aposematic coloration. Drawing on current understanding of animal vision, we distinguish 2 features of warning coloration: high chromatic contrast and high brightness, or luminance, contrast. Previous investigations on aposematic signal efficacy have focused mainly on the role of high chromatic contrast between prey and background, whereas little research has investigated the role of high luminance contrast. Using the Chinese mantid as a model predator and gray-painted milkweed bugs as model prey, we found that increased prey luminance contrast increased detection of prey, facilitated predator aversion learning, and increased predator memory retention of the aversive response. Our results suggest that the luminance contrast component of aposematic coloration can be an effective warning signal between the prey and predator. Thus, warning coloration can even evolve as an effective signal to color blind predators.
Muchos organismos usan coloración de advertencia, o aposemática, para señalar su falta de rentabilidad para los depredadores potenciales. Las presas de colores aposemáticos son muy llamativas a la vista. Existe un apoyo empírico considerable en el sentido de que la notoriedad promueve la eficacia de la señal aposemática. A partir de estos experimentos, está bien documentado que las presas notorias y no rentables se detectan antes y que el depredador aprende la aversión más rápido en comparación con las presas crípticas y no rentables. Los depredadores también retienen la memoria de la aversión por más tiempo cuando la presa es conspicua. El presente estudio se centró en los elementos de notoriedad que confieren estos beneficios de la coloración aposemática. Basándonos en el conocimiento actual de la visión animal, distinguimos 2 características de la coloración de advertencia: alto contraste cromático y alto brillo, o luminancia, contraste. Las investigaciones anteriores sobre la eficacia de la señal aposemática se han centrado principalmente en el papel del alto contraste cromático entre la presa y el fondo, mientras que poca investigación ha investigado el papel del alto contraste de luminancia. Utilizando la mantis china como depredador modelo y los insectos algodoncillo pintados de gris como presa modelo, encontramos que el aumento del contraste de luminancia de la presa aumentaba la detección de presas, facilitaba el aprendizaje de la aversión al depredador y aumentaba la retención de la memoria de la respuesta aversiva del depredador. Nuestros resultados sugieren que el componente de contraste de luminancia de la coloración aposemática puede ser una señal de advertencia eficaz entre la presa y el depredador. Por lo tanto, la coloración de advertencia puede incluso evolucionar como una señal efectiva para los depredadores daltónicos.
www-ncbi-nlm-nih-gov.pbidi.unam.mx:2443 www-ncbi-nlm-nih-gov.pbidi.unam.mx:2443
Demonstrations of interactions between diverse selective forces on bright coloration in defended species are rare. Recent work has suggested that not only do the bright colours of Neotropical poison frogs serve to deter predators, but they also play a role in sexual selection, with females preferring males similar to themselves. These studies report an interaction between the selective forces of mate choice and predation. However, evidence demonstrating phenotypic discrimination by potential predators on these polymorphic species is lacking. The possibility remains that visual (avian) predators possess an inherent avoidance of brightly coloured diurnal anurans and purifying selection against novel phenotypes within populations is due solely to non-random mating. Here, we examine the influence of predation on phenotypic variation in a polymorphic species of poison frog, Dendrobates tinctorius. Using clay models, we demonstrate a purifying role for predator selection, as brightly coloured novel forms are more likely to suffer an attack than both local aposematic and cryptic forms. Additionally, local aposematic forms are attacked, though infrequently, indicating ongoing testing/learning and a lack of innate avoidance. These results demonstrate predator-driven phenotypic purification within populations and suggest colour patterns of poison frogs may truly represent a ‘magic trait’
Las demostraciones de interacciones entre diversas fuerzas selectivas sobre coloración brillante en especies defendidas son raras. Un trabajo reciente ha sugerido que los colores brillantes de las ranas venenosas neotropicales no solo sirven para disuadir a los depredadores, sino que también juegan un papel en la selección sexual, y las hembras prefieren a los machos similares a ellos. Estos estudios informan de una interacción entre las fuerzas selectivas de la elección de pareja y la depredación. Sin embargo, se carece de evidencia que demuestre la discriminación fenotípica por depredadores potenciales en estas especies polimórficas. Existe la posibilidad de que los depredadores visuales (aviares) posean una evitación inherente de anuros diurnos de colores brillantes y la selección purificadora contra nuevos fenotipos dentro de las poblaciones se deba únicamente al apareamiento no aleatorio. Aquí, examinamos la influencia de la depredación en la variación fenotípica en una especie polimórfica de rana venenosa, Dendrobates tinctorius. Usando modelos de arcilla, demostramos un papel purificador para la selección de depredadores, ya que las formas novedosas de colores brillantes tienen más probabilidades de sufrir un ataque que las formas aposemáticas y crípticas locales. Además, las formas aposemáticas locales son atacadas, aunque con poca frecuencia, lo que indica pruebas en curso
Demonstrations of interactions between diverse selective forces on bright coloration in defended species are rare. Recent work has suggested that not only do the bright colours of Neotropical poison frogs serve to deter predators, but they also play a role in sexual selection, with females preferring males similar to themselves. These studies report an interaction between the selective forces of mate choice and predation. However, evidence demonstrating phenotypic discrimination by potential predators on these polymorphic species is lacking. The possibility remains that visual (avian) predators possess an inherent avoidance of brightly coloured diurnal anurans and purifying selection against novel phenotypes within populations is due solely to non-random mating. Here, we examine the influence of predation on phenotypic variation in a polymorphic species of poison frog, Dendrobates tinctorius. Using clay models, we demonstrate a purifying role for predator selection, as brightly coloured novel forms are more likely to suffer an attack than both local aposematic and cryptic forms. Additionally, local aposematic forms are attacked, though infrequently, indicating ongoing testing/learning and a lack of innate avoidance. These results demonstrate predator-driven phenotypic purification within populations and suggest colour patterns of poison frogs may truly represent a ‘magic trait’.
Las demostraciones de interacciones entre diversas fuerzas selectivas sobre coloración brillante en especies defendidas son raras. Un trabajo reciente ha sugerido que los colores brillantes de las ranas venenosas neotropicales no solo sirven para disuadir a los depredadores, sino que también juegan un papel en la selección sexual, y las hembras prefieren a los machos similares a ellos. Estos estudios informan de una interacción entre las fuerzas selectivas de la elección de pareja y la depredación. Sin embargo, se carece de evidencia que demuestre la discriminación fenotípica por depredadores potenciales en estas especies polimórficas. Existe la posibilidad de que los depredadores visuales (aviares) posean una evitación inherente de anuros diurnos de colores brillantes y la selección purificadora contra nuevos fenotipos dentro de las poblaciones se deba únicamente al apareamiento no aleatorio. Aquí, examinamos la influencia de la depredación en la variación fenotípica en una especie polimórfica de rana venenosa, Dendrobates tinctorius. Usando modelos de arcilla, demostramos un papel purificador para la selección de depredadores, ya que las formas novedosas de colores brillantes tienen más probabilidades de sufrir un ataque que las formas aposemáticas y crípticas locales. Además, las formas aposemáticas locales son atacadas, aunque con poca frecuencia, lo que indica una prueba
link.springer.com link.springer.com
An experiment was performed to assess the relative survival of two forms of 5th instar larvae of Lygaeus equestris (Heteroptera, Lygaeidae) — the normal red form, called aposematic, and a mutant grey form, called cryptic — when given to hand-raised great tits (Parus major).Sixteen birds were presented with aposematic larvae and 16 were presented with cryptic larvae in 10 consecutive trials. One attack per trial was allowed. Both larval forms were presented against a background matching the grey larvae, but since both prey types were presented in a specific place known to the predator, detection rate for both was assumed to be unity.Birds learned to avoid both prey types. However, the survival of the aposematic larvae was higher than that of the cryptic ones due to three aspects of predator behaviour: i) a greater initial reluctance to attack, ii) a more rapid avoidance learning, and iii) a lower frequency of killing in an attack, when the prey was aposematic. Moreover, a greater number of birds learned to avoid prey without killing any individual, when the prey was aposematic. This result is considered to be due to prey coloration alone, since, in a separate test, no difference in prey distastefulness could be detected.This experiment shows that individual prey can benefit from being aposematic and indicates that individual selection can be a sufficient explanation for the evolution of aposematic coloration. It was concluded that, since the survivorship was 6.4 times higher for the aposematic prey, it could have a detection rate that is correspondingly higher than the cryptic in order for the two forms to have equal fitness.
Se realizó un experimento para evaluar la supervivencia relativa de dos formas de larvas de quinto estadio de Lygaeus equestris (Heteroptera, Lygaeidae), la forma roja normal, llamada aposemática, y una forma gris mutante, llamada críptica, cuando se administran a grandes herrerillos criados a mano. (Parus mayor).
Se presentaron 16 aves con larvas aposemáticas y 16 con larvas crípticas en 10 ensayos consecutivos. Se permitió un ataque por ensayo. Ambas formas larvarias se presentaron sobre un fondo que coincidía con las larvas grises, pero dado que ambos tipos de presas se presentaron en un lugar específico conocido por el depredador, se supuso que la tasa de detección de ambas era la unidad.
Las aves aprendieron a evitar ambos tipos de presas. Sin embargo, la supervivencia de las larvas aposemáticas fue mayor que la de las crípticas debido a tres aspectos del comportamiento del depredador: i) una mayor reticencia inicial al ataque, ii) un aprendizaje de evitación más rápido, y iii) una menor frecuencia de matanza en un ataque, cuando la presa era aposemática. Además, un mayor número de aves aprendieron a evitar a las presas sin matar a ningún individuo, cuando la presa era aposemática. Se considera que este resultado se debe únicamente a la coloración de la presa, ya que, en una prueba separada, no se pudo detectar ninguna diferencia en el desagrado de la presa.
Este experimento muestra que las presas individuales pueden beneficiarse de ser aposemáticas e indica que la selección individual puede ser una explicación suficiente para la evolución de la coloración aposemática. Se concluyó que, dado que la supervivencia fue 6,4 veces mayor para la presa aposemática, podría tener una tasa de detección correspondientemente más alta que la críptica para que las dos formas tengan la misma aptitud.
www.cell.com www.cell.com
The theory of warning signals dates back to Wallace but is still confusing, controversial and complex. Because predator avoidance of warningly coloured prey (aposematism) is based upon learning and reinforcement, it is difficult to understand how initially rare conspicuous forms subsequently become common. Here, we discuss several possible resolutions to this apparent paradox. Many of these ideas have been largely ignored as a result of implicit assumptions about predator behaviour and assumed lack of variation in the predators, prey and the predation process. Considering the spatial and temporal variation in and mechanisms of behaviour of both predators and prey will make it easier to understand the process and evolution of aposematism.
La teoría de las señales de advertencia se remonta a Wallace, pero sigue siendo confusa, controvertida y compleja. Debido a que la evitación por parte de los depredadores de presas con colores de advertencia (aposematismo) se basa en el aprendizaje y el refuerzo, es difícil comprender cómo las formas llamativas inicialmente raras se vuelven comunes posteriormente. Aquí, discutimos varias posibles soluciones a esta aparente paradoja. Muchas de estas ideas se han ignorado en gran medida como resultado de suposiciones implícitas sobre el comportamiento de los depredadores y la supuesta falta de variación en los depredadores, las presas y el proceso de depredación. Tener en cuenta la variación espacial y temporal y los mecanismos de comportamiento tanto de los depredadores como de las presas facilitará la comprensión del proceso y la evolución del aposematismo.
academic.oup.com academic.oup.com
The question, “Why should prey advertise their presence to predators using warning coloration?” has been asked for over 150 years. It is now widely acknowledged that defended prey use conspicuous or distinctive colors to advertise their toxicity to would-be predators: a defensive strategy known as aposematism. One of the main approaches to understanding the ecology and evolution of aposematism and mimicry (where species share the same color pattern) has been to study how naive predators learn to associate prey’s visual signals with the noxious effects of their toxins. However, learning to associate a warning signal with a defense is only one aspect of what predators need to do to enable them to make adaptive foraging decisions when faced with aposematic prey and their mimics. The aim of our review is to promote the view that predators do not simply learn to avoid aposematic prey, but rather make adaptive decisions about both when to gather information about defended prey and when to include them in their diets. In doing so, we reveal what surprisingly little we know about what predators learn about aposematic prey and how they use that information when foraging. We highlight how a better understanding of predator cognition could advance theoretical and empirical work in the field.
La pregunta: "¿Por qué las presas deberían anunciar su presencia a los depredadores con coloración de advertencia?" se ha solicitado durante más de 150 años. Ahora se reconoce ampliamente que las presas defendidas usan colores llamativos o distintivos para anunciar su toxicidad a los posibles depredadores: una estrategia defensiva conocida como aposematismo. Uno de los principales enfoques para comprender la ecología y la evolución del aposematismo y el mimetismo (donde las especies comparten el mismo patrón de color) ha sido estudiar cómo los depredadores ingenuos aprenden a asociar las señales visuales de las presas con los efectos nocivos de sus toxinas. Sin embargo, aprender a asociar una señal de advertencia con una defensa es solo un aspecto de lo que los depredadores deben hacer para permitirles tomar decisiones de alimentación adaptables cuando se enfrentan a presas aposemáticas y sus imitadores. El objetivo de nuestra revisión es promover la opinión de que los depredadores no solo aprenden a evitar presas aposemáticas, sino que toman decisiones adaptativas sobre cuándo recopilar información sobre las presas defendidas y cuándo incluirlas en sus dietas. Al hacerlo, revelamos lo sorprendentemente poco que sabemos sobre lo que los depredadores aprenden sobre presas aposemáticas y cómo usan esa información cuando buscan alimento. Destacamos cómo una mejor comprensión de la cognición de los depredadores podría impulsar el trabajo teórico y empírico en el campo.
- Mar 2021
onlinelibrary.wiley.com onlinelibrary.wiley.com
Evolution via natural selection has continually shaped the coloration of numerous organisms. One coloration of particular importance is the eyespot: a phylogenetically widespread, conspicuous marking that has been shown to effectively reduce predation, often through its resemblance to the eye. Although widely studied, most research has been experimental in nature. We approach eyespots using a comparative phylogenetic framework that is global in scope. Herein, we identify the potential drivers of eyespot evolution in coral reef fishes; essentially the rules that govern their appearance in this group of organisms. We surveyed 2664 reef fish species (42% of all described reef fish species) and found that eyespots are present in approximately one in every 10 species. Most eyespots occur in closely related species and have been present in some families for over 50 million years. Focusing on damselfishes (family: Pomacentridae) as a study group, we reveal that eyespots are rare in planktivorous species, which is likely driven by the predation risk associated with their feeding location. Using a heatmapping technique, we also show that the location of eyespots is fundamentally different in active fishes that swim above the benthos vs. cryptobenthic fishes that rest on the benthos. These location differences may reflect different functions of eyespots among reef fish species.
La evolución a través de la selección natural ha moldeado continuamente la coloración de numerosos organismos. Una coloración de particular importancia es la mancha ocular: una marca conspicua y filogenéticamente extendida que se ha demostrado que reduce eficazmente la depredación, a menudo a través de su parecido con el ojo. Aunque se ha estudiado ampliamente, la mayor parte de la investigación ha sido de naturaleza experimental. Nos acercamos a las manchas oculares utilizando un marco filogenético comparativo de alcance global. Aquí, identificamos los impulsores potenciales de la evolución de la mancha ocular en los peces de los arrecifes de coral; esencialmente las reglas que gobiernan su aparición en este grupo de organismos. Encuestamos 2664 especies de peces de arrecife (42% de todas las especies de peces de arrecife descritas) y encontramos que las manchas oculares están presentes en aproximadamente una de cada 10 especies. La mayoría de las manchas oculares ocurren en especies estrechamente relacionadas y han estado presentes en algunas familias durante más de 50 millones de años. Centrándonos en los peces damisela (familia: Pomacentridae) como grupo de estudio, revelamos que las manchas oculares son raras en las especies planctívoras, lo que probablemente se deba al riesgo de depredación asociado con su ubicación de alimentación. Utilizando una técnica de mapa de calor, también mostramos que la ubicación de las manchas oculares es fundamentalmente diferente en los peces activos que nadan por encima del bentos frente a los peces criptobentónicos que descansan sobre el bentos. Estas diferencias de ubicación pueden reflejar diferentes funciones de las manchas oculares entre las especies de peces de arrecife.
- Sep 2020
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
We analyze the structural elements which comprise a standard scientific paper. Previous analysis generally has focused on one element of a paper at a time. However, the title, author list, affiliation, abstract, text, tables, graphs, charts, photographs and references all represent possible data resources for investigation. After specifying those elements, we focus successively on the history, normative tradition, and sociological analysis of a selection of those elements.
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
Scientific knowledge constitutes a complex system that has recently been the topic of in-depth analysis. Empirical evidence reveals that little is known about the dynamic aspects of human knowledge. Precise dissection of the expansion of scientific knowledge could help us to better understand the evolutionary dynamics of science. In this paper, we analyzed the dynamic properties and growth principles of the MEDLINE bibliographic database using network analysis methodology. The basic assumption of this work is that the scientific evolution of the life sciences can be represented as a list of co-occurrences of MeSH descriptors that are linked to MEDLINE citations. The MEDLINE database was summarized as a complex system, consisting of nodes and edges, where the nodes refer to knowledge concepts and the edges symbolize corresponding relations. We performed an extensive statistical evaluation based on more than 25 million citations in the MEDLINE database, from 1966 until 2014. We based our analysis on node and community level in order to track temporal evolution in the network. The degree distribution of the network follows a stretched exponential distribution which prevents the creation of large hubs. Results showed that the appearance of new MeSH terms does not also imply new connections. The majority of new connections among nodes results from old MeSH descriptors. We suggest a wiring mechanism based on the theory of structural holes, according to which a novel scientific discovery is established when a connection is built among two or more previously disconnected parts of scientific knowledge. Overall, we extracted 142 different evolving communities. It is evident that new communities are constantly born, live for some time, and then die. We also provide a Web-based application that helps characterize and understand the content of extracted communities. This study clearly shows that the evolution of MEDLINE knowledge correlates with the network’s structural and temporal characteristics.
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
The NLM Catalog provides access to NLM bibliographic data for journals, books, audiovisuals, computer software, electronic resources and other materials. Links to the library's holdings in LocatorPlus, NLM's online public access catalog, are also provided.
- Aug 2020
riojournal.com riojournal.com
One way to think about "core" biodiversity data is as a network of connected entities, such as taxa, taxonomic names, publications, people, species, sequences, images, and collections that form the "biodiversity knowledge graph". Many questions in biodiversity informatics can be framed as paths in this graph. This article explores this futher, and sketches a set of services and tools we would need in order to construct the graph. New information In order to build a usable biodiversity knowledge graph we should adopt JSON-LD for biodiversity data, develop reconciliation services to match entities to identifiers, and a use a mixture of document and graph databases to store and query the data. To bootstrap this project we can create wrappers around each major biodiversity data provider, and a central cache that is both a document store and a simple graph database. This power of this approach should be showcased by applications that use the central cache to tackle specific problems, such as augmenting existing data.
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
The success of distributed and semantic-enabled systems relies on the use of up-to-date ontologies and mappings between them. However, the size, quantity and dynamics of existing ontologies demand a huge maintenance effort pushing towards the development of automatic tools supporting this laborious task. This article proposes a novel method, investigating different types of similarity measures, to identify concepts’ attributes that served to define existing mappings. The obtained experimental results reveal that our proposed method allows to identify the relevant attributes for supporting mapping maintenance, since we found correlations between ontology changes affecting the identified attributes and mapping changes.
www.w3.org www.w3.org
As the amount of scholarly communication increases, it is increasingly difficult for specific core scientific statements to be found, connected and curated. Additionally, the redundancy of these statements in multiple fora makes it difficult to determine attribution, quality, and provenance. To tackle these challenges, the Concept Web Alliance has promoted the notion of nanopublications (core scientific statements with associated context). In this document, we present a model of nanopublications along with a NamedGraph/RDF serialization of the model. Importantly, the serialization is defined completely using already existing community developed technologies. Finally, we discuss the importance of aggregating nano-publications and the role that the ConceptWiki plays in facilitating it.
SKOS—Simple Knowledge Organization System—provides a model for expressing the basic structure and content of concept schemes such as thesauri, classification schemes, subject heading lists, taxonomies, folksonomies, and other similar types of controlled vocabulary. As an application of the Resource Description Framework (RDF), SKOS allows concepts to be composed and published on the World Wide Web, linked with data on the Web and integrated into other concept schemes. This document is a user guide for those who would like to represent their concept scheme using SKOS. In basic SKOS, conceptual resources (concepts) are identified with URIs, labeled with strings in one or more natural languages, documented with various types of note, semantically related to each other in informal hierarchies and association networks, and aggregated into concept schemes. In advanced SKOS, conceptual resources can be mapped across concept schemes and grouped into labeled or ordered collections. Relationships can be specified between concept labels. Finally, the SKOS vocabulary itself can be extended to suit the needs of particular communities of practice or combined with other modeling vocabularies. This document is a companion to the SKOS Reference, which provides the normative reference on SKOS.
- May 2020
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doi: 10.1183/13993003.00310-2020
- Mar 2020
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