3 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2016
    1. (D) Without doublets, fish twitches also elicited attack volleys (10 trials each of two eels).

      fig. 4 tab D: the eel even reacts to fish movement with an attact, when it didn't send out it's question "Is there living fish?". The doublet represents this question.

    2. (D) Example of high-voltage electric organ discharge for an attack preceded by a doublet.

      Fig. 3 tab D: At 2: doublet of electric signal to find the fish Starting at 6: strong attack of the fish to paralyse it

    3. (D) Effect of curare. Red trace indicates strong electric organ discharge matched in time to unnormalized fish tension (green). Arrows indicate time of injections (fig. S3). Bar in (D) = 500 ms.

      Fig. 2 tab D: red: the eel's cascades of electric shocks green: fish tension = fish moves After the fish is treated with curare (molecule, poison for chemical messenger), it doesn't react to the eel's shocks anymore